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Archive: Recycling Laws International

July 2022:

Irish Parliament Approves Circular Economy Bill
The bill includes provisions relating to single-use plastics, food waste, a circular economy strategy and a new supporting fund.

United Nations Under-Secretary General Calls for Developing a "New Plastics Economy"
Four other recommendations also were made during a UNEP speech on making plastics more circular.

Norwegian Environment Agency Recommends All Municipalities and Businesses Collect Sorted Waste Streams
The agency wants to increase waste textiles collection in particular.

Victorian Government Announces New Governmental Body to Strengthen State Recycling Efforts
In a related development, a bill introduced in the Victorian Parliament would enhance efforts to transition to a circular economy.

Brazilian Senador Announces Development of a Regulatory Framework for Plastics in a Circular Economy
The framework may focus as much on the initial production cycle as reducing post-consumer waste.

Hong Kong EPD Launches Recycling Service Dedicated to Housing Complexes
Participation by building owners and managers is voluntary.

Ban on Single-Use Plastics Takes Effect in India
Special enforcement teams will be for checking for illegal manufacture, import, distribution, sale, and use of banned items.

Bill to Ban Some Single-Use Plastic Products Introduced in Tasmanian Parliament
The bill establishes a pathway for government to institute bans on products.

Scottish Government Plans to Limit Waste Incineration to Support Circular Economy
The announcement follows an independent review of current incineration activities.

Spanish Lawmakers Are Reviewing Bill to Reduce Food Waste
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food would be responsible for preparing a national food loss and waste prevention plan.

Bill Introduced in Argentinian Camara Would Require Integrated Management of All Municipal Solid Waste within Five Years
The Argentinian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development would develop a program and guidance.

Public Procurement of Green IT Products Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
A government 'lead by example' policy is hoped to stimulate more environmentally friendly IT products in the private sector, too.

UK Government Identifies Five Types of Chemicals for Possible Future Restriction in Products
The five selections comprise the 2022-2023 UK REACH work programme.

June 2022:

European Commission Launches Public Consultation to Revise Waste Framework Directive
The Commission wants to set EU-level targets for food waste reduction.

Public Consultation to Mandate Food Waste Reporting by Large Businesses Opened by UK Government
New regulations are expected come into force in April 2024.

Scottish Government Consults on a Draft Circular Economy Bill
The government also released an implementation road map that runs through 2025.

Bill Introduced in Chilean Camara Seeks to Increase Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling
The bill would substantially increase financial penalties for illegal waste dumping.

Resolution to Promote Composting Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The measure would establish a national composting week for the country.

Hong Kong Government Plans to Double the Environmental Charge for Plastic Shopping Bags
The proposed regulation also would establish EPR for glass beverage containers.

April 2022:

European Commission Publishes Proposals for Producing More Sustainable Products
One proposal calls for an EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation.

Circular Economy Bill Introduced in Irish Parliament
The bill would restrict single-use plastics, help prevent food waste, include reuse and repair targets for products and materials in waste management plans and more.

Swiss Federal Council Launches Food Waste Reduction Action Plan
The plan featuring at least 14 measures will continue through 2030.

Dutch State Secretary of Environment Outlines Single-Use Plastics Reduction Regulation in Letter to House of Representatives
The regulation requires a transition from some disposable plastic packaging and products and makes producers of some items responsible for litter cleanup costs.

Waste-to-Energy Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
A proposed program could include energy-recovery incineration and biogas production.

Scottish Circular Economy Minister Forms another Advisory Group to Help Craft Mandatory Charge for Disposable Beverage Cups
An earlier advisory group indicated a 20-25 pence per cup charge might be appropriate.

March 2022:

Tasmanian Parliament Approves Waste and Resource Recovery Bill 2021
The bill includes a new tax on waste disposed in landfills.

German Federal Cabinet Approves Ordinance Amendment to Limit Plastic Contamination in Organic Waste
Processing facilities will need to improve efforts to separate plastics from organics.

New Zealand Government Launches Consultation of Improving Curbside Recycling and Food Waste Separation by Businesses
The consultation also includes a proposed container return scheme.

Bill Introduced in Argentine Senate Would Reduce Plastics Consumption
The bill includes a ban on the manufacture, import and distribution of 13 types of plastic products.

Recently Introduced Brazilian Camara Bill Would Establish a Federal IT Reuse and Recycling Policy
The policy would include reuse and recycling of obsolete and surplus federal government computers.

South African Environmental Minister Announces Draft Food Loss and Waste Strategy Is Being Developed
The strategy follows a voluntary food waste prevention agreement between the government and food producers and distributors.

175 Nations Endorse United National Resolution Addressing Plastic Pollution
Work on a legally binding international instrument will begin later this year.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Possible RoHS Directive Update
The Commission is interested in making the Directive "more relevant and efficient" in the transition to a circular economy.

Government of New Zealand Launches Public Consultation on Container Return Scheme
The government says the CRS could be operational by 2025.

Spanish Government Approves Circular Economy Strategic Plan
The plan focuses on the textile/clothing, plastics and renewable energy sectors.

Bill Introduced in Peruvian Congress Seeks to Modernize Recycling in the Country
Source separation of waste streams would be a first step in building a new formalized recycling infrastructure.

UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Delays Rollout of Packaging EPR Scheme
The local governments association is concerned that a new EPR start date has yet to be announced.

February 2022

European Commission Launches New Public Consultation on Reducing Microplastics in the Environment
Proposed reduction actions focus on plastic pellets, synthetic textiles, tires and paint.

Bill in UK Parliament Would Require Microplastic Filters on Washing Machines to Reduce Plastic Pollution
The proposed requirement would take effect by January 1, 2025.

French Lawmaker Calls for Tax on Plastic Packaging That Fails to Meet a Minimum Recycled Content Target
The amount of the tax would progressively increase for packaging that has the lowest recycled content levels.

Italian Government Degree Authorizes Tax Credits for Businesses That Purchased Several Types of Environmentally Friendly Products
The decree intends to reward the use of recycled plastic, paper and aluminum in new products.

Brazilian Deputado Wants Mandatory Use of Recycled Paper for Written Examinations
The author of the bill is concerned about environment harm resulting from virgin paper production.

French National Assembly Resolution Would Set Recycling Targets for Textile Manufacturers
Textile producers could meet the targets individually or through a stewardship organization.

January 2022

European Commission Opens Public Consultation on Biobased, Biodegradable and Compostable Plastics
Results from the consultation will help establish an EU policy framework later this year.

Government of Ireland Publishes Draft National Food Waste Prevention Roadmap
The roadmap outlines steps for Ireland to achieve a 50% food waste reduction by 2030.

Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly Addresses Problematic Food Packaging
Bans and single-use plastic labeling are among the measures in the resolution.

Pair of Bills Introduced in Philippine Congress Would Establish Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging
The Department of Environmental and National Resources would be responsible for administering the EPR program.

Singapore Government Launches Public Consultation on Proposed Disposable Carrier Bag Fee
The proposed fee would be implemented during the first half of 2023.

Chilean Single-Use Plastics Law about To Take Effect
Chile becomes the first South American country to ban a range of plastic disposables and set minimum recycled content mandates for single-use plastic bottles.

United Kingdom Government Publishes Guidance on Upcoming Plastic Packaging Tax
The tax is scheduled to take effect on April 1.

Queensland Government Launches Public Consultation on Possible Expansion of Single-Use Plastics Ban
The consultation follows the start of a ban of seven initial items.

Thirty-three Members of French National Assembly Introduce Resolution to Fight Plastic Pollution
The resolution calls for the five government actions including prohibiting the production of petroleum-based plastic beginning on January 1, 2030.

Government of India Publishes Draft Regulation to Establish EPR for Waste Tires
A public consultation on the draft proposal is underway.

Bill to Ban Wet Wipes Containing Plastic Introduced in UK Parliament
The ban would apply to production and sales of the wipes in England and Wales.

Improved Terrestrial Waste Management is Part of New Scottish Marine Litter Strategy
The strategy includes actions to reduce litter and illegally dumped waste that make their way to the marine environment.

December 2021

UK Defra Launches Public Consultation on Banning More Single-Use Plastic Items
Many of the items targeted are banned under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

Scottish Government Announces Start Date for Beverage Container Deposit Return Scheme
The government anticipates a 90% container return rate by 2024.

New Costa Rican Marine Waste National Plan Includes Preventing Waste from Land-Based Sources
The plan includes development and implementation of five extended producer responsibility programs.

Bill Requiring Microplastic Fiber Filters on Washing Machines Introduced in UK Parliament
The requirement would apply to consumer and commercial washing machines.

EPR Amendments to National Policy on Solid Waste Proposed by Brazilian Deputado
Among the proposed changes is point-of-sale collection of end-of-life products and packaging.

European Commission Announces Phase Out of Mercury-Containing Lamps for More Circular Alternatives
The threat to the environment through inappropriate mercury-containing lamp disposal will be reduced.

Irish Government Approves Regulations to Establish Container Deposit Return Scheme
The scheme is expected to launch during the third quarter of 2022.

European Commission Launches Call for Evidence on Microplastics in the Environment
The call for evidence will be followed by a consultation on draft regulations early next year.

Transition from Single-Use Plastics Proposed in Argentinian Senate Bill
The bill would place an "ecotax" on domestically produced or imported covered single-use plastic items.

French Assembly Resolution Calls for Government Purchasing Ban on Disposable Plastic Bottles
The resolution also would set a priority for purchasing reusable packaging.

Ban on Use of Recycled Paper in Food Packaging Proposed in Brazilian Camara
The sponsor of the bill cites concerns about waste paper contamination and sanitation issues.

Irish EPA Calls for Better Effort by All Economic Sectors to Reuse and Recycle Waste
The statement accompanied a new waste statistics report that indicated waste generation in Ireland is up while recycling is down.

November 2021:

Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Issues Draft Plastic Packaging EPR Regulations
The regulations set a 100% EPR coverage target for specified plastic packaging by 2023.

New Zealand Government Launches Public Consultation on Developing a New National Waste Strategy
Input on developing required new waste legislation also is being sought.

Iceland Environment Agency Releases Action Plan to Reduce Food Waste
The plan includes 24 actions to be taken by government and businesses.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Require Retailers to Collect Used Packaging
The bill focuses on glass, aluminum and plastic packaging.

European Commission Adopts Regulations Restricting Three Harmful Chemicals in Recyclable Waste
Two of the three chemicals are used to treat textiles, a waste stream of growing interest in the European Union.

United Kingdom Government Announces Plastic Packaging Tax Amendments
The amendments are supposed to provide a financial incentive to use more recycled content in plastic packaging.

October 2021:

European Commission Publishes Methodologies for Compliance with Some EU Single-Use Plastics Directive Requirements
The methodologies include how to determine the amount and weights of waste plastic bottles placed on the market and collected as waste.

Indian Central Pollution Control Board Publishes Guidance on Single-Use Plastics
The document explains what items are banned and what alternatives are acceptable.

Bill to Establish Packaging EPR Introduced in Philippine Congress
The bill is a consolidation of elements from ten earlier bills and has broad sponsorship.

Covid-19 Pandemic Cited by Peruvian Lawmakers as a Reason to Delay National Ban on Polystyrene Foam Food Containers
The lawmakers say smaller businesses have not had sufficient time to transition to alternative materials in part due to the pandemic.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Set a Government Green Purchasing Target
Government product suppliers would need to present third-party sustainability certification for their products.

Norwegian Environment Agency Study Finds Recycled Plastic Products Contain No Hazardous Chemicals
The agency tested 27 consumer products that were identified as being made from recycled plastic.

September 2021:

New Zealand Environmental Ministry Releases National Plastic Action Plan
The action plan focuses on six areas including product stewardship, a possible container deposit scheme and a phase-out of single-use and hard-to-recycle plastics.

Queensland Government Opens Public Consultation on Organic Waste Strategy
The strategy supports a goal set earlier to reduce organic waste disposed in landfills by 50% by 2030.

Limit on Plastic Contaminants in Organic Waste Approved by German Federal Cabinet
The Biowaste Ordinance 2020 will amended to set the limit.

Government of Hong Kong Announces Charter to Eliminate Use of Plastic Microbeads Voluntarily
Charter signatories agree to phase-out microbead products manufacturing and sales over the next two years.

Three Bills Introduced in Brazilian Camara Seek to Increase E-Waste Recycling
The proposed measures would supplement the national EPR program for e-waste.

French Government Approves Organization to Administer First Ever Cigarette Filter Plastics EPR Scheme
The EPR scheme will reimburse local government costs for cleaning cigarette butt litter.

July 2021

New Zealand Government Approves Plan for Phasing Out Problematic and Single-Use Plastics
The plan begins with a phaseout of six types of products by the end of next year.

Australian Parliament Approves Bill Adding Plastic Waste to Basel Convention Requirements
The legal framework was agreed to by Basel Convention parties more than two years ago.

Hong Kong Government Launches Public Consultation to Regulate Disposable Plastic Tableware
A ban on targeted items would occur in two phases.

First Annual Report on French National Pact on Plastic Packaging Published
Pact signatories reported using 2.5% less plastic packaging and increasing recyclable plastic packaging by 19% in 2020, among other findings.

Brazilian Deputado Introduces Bill to Establish a National E-Waste Awareness Week
The national government, states and municipalities would share responsibility for promoting the week.

Motion Introduced in Chilean Camara Calls for Requiring Supermarkets to Serve as Recycling Collection Points
Supermarkets that fail to obey the law would face financial penalties.

June 2021:

European Commission Issues Guidelines on Implementing Single-Use Plastic Rules
The guidelines are designed to help Member States interpret the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive accurately.

Irish Government Outlines Composition of Upcoming Circular Economy Bill
Authorizing regulations to place a charge or levy on some single-use items is one proposed provision.

Bill to Regulate Broad Range of Single-Use Plastics Introduced in Philippine Senate
EPR programs would be phased in, as targeted products are phased out.

Seven European Governments Sign Pact to Procure More Circular ICT Products
The pact was initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Latest Plastic Packaging Reduction Bill in Brazilian Camara Targets Paint Cans
The bill calls for a ban on the manufacture, sale and distribution of plastic containers for paint and related products.

Singapore Begins "Soft Launch" of Electronics Extended Producer Responsibility Program
E-waste collection bins are being placed across the country in advance of the EPR program official start date.

May 2021:

Swedish EPA Publishes Roadmap for Sustainable Plastic Use
The roadmap covers five categories of activity that range from using raw materials and processes that have minimal environmental impact to increasing plastic recycling through a number of flows.

United Kingdom Launches Public Consultation on Household and Business Recycling Policies and Regulations
The government is presenting 26 proposals for which it seeks feedback.

Bill to Establish an Integrated Solid Waste Management Law Introduced in Ecuadorian National Assembly
Zero waste, extended producer responsibility, sustainable consumption, and the polluter pays are among 13 principles underpinning the legislation.

French Ministry of Ecological Transition Launches Campaign Promoting New Product Repairability Index
The index and its educational campaign seek to reduce e-waste from planned obsolescence.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Seeks to Reduce Premature Waste Due to Planned Obsolescence in Products
The sponsor of the bill says electronic products are a particular problem.

Complete Ban on Waste Importation Proposed by Philippine Senator
Environmental Protection Desks would be established at all Philippine ports of entry.

European Commission Launches Consultation on Widening the Scope of the EU Ecodesign Directive
Broadening the directive to support a circular economy is under consideration.

Bill Introduced in Irish Parliament Would Set a National Standard for Carbon Footprint Labelling of Products and Commodities
The standard would be set by the National Standards Authority of Ireland and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Irish Government Releases Draft Circular Economy Strategy
A public consultation on the draft strategy is open.

Australian Capital Territory Approves Bill Banning Some Single-Use Plastic Products
Other items could be added to the prohibited products list starting next year.

Republic of South Africa Amends Its National Plastic Bag Law
Plastic bags must meet a set of increasingly higher recycled content targets beginning in 2023.

Portuguese Ministry of Environment Issues Guidance on Managing Waste from Covid-19 Testing
The guidance makes separate recommendations for households, pharmacies, non-medical large volume test sites, and medical and hospital facilities.

April 2021:

Irish Government Launches Second Consultation on Proposed Beverage Container Deposit Return Scheme
Deposited containers will likely be limited to PET bottles and aluminum cans initially.

UK Government Opens Second Public Consultation on Proposed Revised Packaging EPR Scheme
The proposed revised EPR scheme is expected to produce a 78% packaging recycling rate by 2030.

Plastic Chemical Recycling Roadmap 2030 Published by Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Chemical recycling of waste plastics is expected to replace incineration of the material in the Netherlands.

Achieving a Circular Economy Is One of Five Objectives in Mexico's Responsible Consumption Action Plan
Five types of actions addressing consumption and disposal of goods are planned for the next five years.

Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly Would Amend Law on Planned Obsolescence of Products
The resolution calls for extending product warranties from a minimum of two years to ten years and other actions.

Bill Introduced in Argentinian Senate Would Ban Single-Use Plastic Straws
The ban would be phased in upon the law's passage.

March 2021:

Queensland Parliament Approves Plastic Waste Reduction and Recycling Bill
The new law bans the distribution of a number of single-use plastic items.

Second Consultation Opened on UK Draft Beverage Container Deposit Return Scheme
The government says that scheme will not launch until late 2024 at the earliest.

Chilean Environmental Ministry Launches Consultation on Draft Marine Waste and Microplastics Strategy
The strategy has six objectives and includes an implementation timeline for proposed actions.

South African Government Published Amended EPR Regulations and Launched Additional Consultation
Affected producers will receive more time to develop and submit required EPR schemes to the government.

Philippine Senate Resolution Cites PPE Waste as One Reason for Conducting an Inquiry on Plastic Waste
The sponsor claims that monthly global consumption could reach 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves.

Australian Government Publishes National Plastics Plan
The plan seeks to reduce plastic waste, increase recycling, and develop alternatives to traditional plastics.

Welsh Government Unveils Circulation Economy Strategy
The strategy has six core themes that include driving innovation in materials use and upscaling prevention and release.

European Commission Publishes Official Single-Use Plastics Pictograms
The pictograms are required on specified products and packaging under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

Portuguese Parliament Approves Resolution on Combatting Marine Plastic Waste
Among other proposed actions, fisherman would receive financial incentives to collect and bring to port plastic waste for recycling.

UK's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Opens Public Consultation on Draft Environmental Principles Policy Statement
The polluter pays principle is one of five principles in the draft policy statement.

Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Launched at Latest UN Environment Assembly
The European Commission proposed establishing the alliance in its Circular Economy Action Plan last year.

Government of Hong Kong Launches Consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility Program for PET Beverage Containers
The consultation follows the launch of a reverse vending machines pilot program for PET bottles.

Dutch State Secretary of Infrastructure and Water Management Proposes Extending Beverage Container Deposit to Metal Cans
According to the state secretary too many cans are being littered, not recycled.

Committee in UK Parliament Opens Call for Evidence on Proposed English Container Deposit Scheme
Stakeholders can provide information and comments through March 5.

Latvian Government Approves New National Waste Management Plan
The plan begins this year and continues through 2028.

Singapore NEA Awards License to Begin Operating National E-Waste Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme
Covered producers and importers will need to join the scheme by July 1 of this year.

European Parliament Committee Calls for Linking Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability with Recycling and Circular Materials Management
The committee wants the full Parliament to approve and submit a resolution to the European Commission and Council.

February 2021:

Government of Hong Kong Unveils Waste Blueprint for 2035
The main goals are to reduce municipal solid waste disposal by up to 45% and increase the recovery rate to 55%.

Welsh Government Publishes Draft Plan to Reduce Litter from Packaging Waste and Single-Use Plastics
A public consultation on the plan was launched.

Tasmanian Government Plans to Increase Resource Recovery through New Landfill Tax
The tax would commence this year and triple in 2025.

French Environmental Ministry Proposes New Decree on Plastic Pellets to Fight Plastic Pollution
New requirements would be placed on pellet producers, handlers and transporters.

Two Bills Addressing Plastic Waste Introduced in the Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
One bill would require six types of plastics be recyclable or biodegradable, and the other bill would ban government purchases of some single-use plastic items.

German Government Approves New Warning Label Requirements for Some Disposable Plastic Items
The labels should appear on specified products beginning on July 3.

January 2021:

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Publishes Draft Decree on Extended Producer Responsibility for Glass Containers
The decree sets a goal to collect at least 50% of glass packaging placed in the market by 2025.

Czech Ministry of Environment Outlines Provisions of Draft Law on Single-Use Plastics
The law will bring the Czech Republic into compliance with the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

South African Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries Delays Implementation of New EPR Regulations by Six Months
Affected producers requested more time to develop EPR plans.

Resolution to Reduce Food Waste Further Introduced in French National Assembly
The resolution includes a handful of proposals that range from requiring food education in schools to providing new funding to support food donation facilitators.

European Commission Launches Green Consumption Pledge Pilot Program for Producers and Retailers
Signatory companies agree to improve their environmental impact and help consumers make more sustainable purchases.

House of Commons Publishes Briefing Paper on United Kingdom's Plastic Waste Situation
The paper includes eight current and future government actions to address the issue.

December 2020:

Australian Parliament Approves Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020
Licenses to export waste glass will be required beginning on January 1, 2021; new rules published.

European Commission Adopts New Rules on Plastic Waste Imports and Exports
The regulations harmonize European Union regulations with 2019 plastic waste amendments to the Basel Convention.

European Chemicals Agency Recommends Placing Broad Restrictions on Use of Microplastics
The European Commission may adopt restrictions as soon as next year.

Brazilian Deputado Proposes Enhancing National EPR Law in Regard to Packaging Waste
To do so, the deputado wants to amend the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Chilean Government Launches Consultation on Proposed Extend Producer Responsibility Regulations for Lubricating Oils
The regulations also would apply to lubricating oil containers and packaging.

To Reduce Illegal C&D Waste Dumping, French Lawmaker Calls for Making Proper Disposal Free
His resolution also calls for a new national tax on some construction and building rehabilitation products and materials.

French Senators Propose Additional Legal Measures to Combat Plastic Waste Pollution
Many of the measures pertain to industrial plastic granules.

Bill Introduced in Queensland Parliament Could Ban Some Single-Use Plastic Items
The bill also sets requirements for compostable plastics.

Establishing Public Places Recycling Is the Subject of a New Brazilian Camara Bill
Municipalities would have responsibility for ensuring that recycling bins are provided in public spaces.

Changes to French Food Donation Law Proposed in French National Assembly Resolution
More stores would be covered by the law, and penalties for violations would increase.

Parliamentary Committee Report Offers Recommendations for Reducing E-Waste in the United Kingdom
The report proposes a series of government and business actions to make the UK electric and electronic products market more circular.

UK’s Environment Agency Voices Concern about Illegal Agricultural Plastic Waste Exports
Farmers, agricultural businesses and waste companies were warned to "check their waste management processes or face enforcement action."

November 2020:

UK Government Introduces Plastic Packaging Tax Legislation
With some exceptions, a tax of £200 per ton would apply to plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic.

Bill to Reduce Plastic Pollution Re-introduced in UK Parliament
The bill would ban more single-use plastics, dramatically cut plastic waste and pollution, and create an advisory committee on plastic pollution.

Green Public Procurement Program Proposed in Philippine Senate Bill
The proposed program would apply to all branches of the federal government.

Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Approves Regulations to Establish a Container Deposit Scheme
The deposit scheme will launch in 2022.

Hong Kong EPD Launches another Incentive Program to Boost Household Recycling
Participants in the scheme receive smart cards that allow them to earn credits for free products.

Swedish EPA Publishes Report on Swedish Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes
The report covered regulated (mandatory) schemes some of which are not required by European Union directives.

Parliament of South Australia Approves Bill Prohibiting Seven Types of Single-Use Plastic Items
The same bill also prohibits the production of oxo-degradable plastic products.

Irish Government Proposes Container Deposit Return Scheme and Opens Public Consultation
Only PET bottles and aluminum cans would be covered by the scheme.

National Strategy to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Household Waste Proposed in Argentine Senate
The bill proposes that households separate waste into organic and non-organic streams.

Pacific Alliance Countries Agree to Establish a Roadmap for Sustainable Plastic Management
The roadmap follows an agreement signed last year by the member countries to sustainably manage plastic waste.

Nordic Council of Ministers Offers Blueprint for Possible Future Global Agreement to Prevent Plastic Pollution
The Council believes its recently completed report on addressing the problem should be adopted as a model for a new global agreement.

European Parliamentary Committee Approves Resolution to Make Products More Sustainable and Easier to Repair
The resolution goes to the full European Parliament for a vote in plenary session.

October 2020:

European Commission Opens Public Consultation on Revising the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
The consultation seeks stakeholder views and ideas in preparing a review of the directive.

EU Parliament Committee Draft Resolution Calls for Support of the New Circular Economy Action Plan
The document proposes a number of addtional actions for the European Commission to consider.

French National Assembly Resolution Calls for Ban on All Plastic Shopping Bags
The proposal would extend the ban applied only to single-use plastic bags.

UK Parliamentary Committee Seeks Stakeholder Comments on Addressing Textile Waste
The Committee has been investigating the subject for two years.

Scottish Government Opens Consultation on Proposed Ban on Certain Single-Use Plastic Products
The consultation also asks respondents whether other single-use products should be considered for a future ban.

Bill to Establish a Circular Economy in the Philippines Introduced in the House of Representatives
The bill includes a phase-out of single use plastics, new standards for compostable plastics, extended producer responsibility schemes, and adoption of zero waste models by businesses.

September 2020:

Government of Ireland Publishes Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy
The action plan contains more than 200 measures mostly covering six priority waste streams.

Victoria State Government Proposes Establishing a Waste Authority to Boost Recycling and Minimize Waste
The government is seeking stakeholder feedback on an options paper it published.

Government of Western Australia Seeks Public Input on Review of Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act
Container deposit scheme legislation and possible future EPR programs are proposed in a government discussion paper.

Proposal Introduced in Mexican Camara Calls for Managing Plastic Waste Arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The author of the proposal envisions a confluence of plastic waste and medical waste problems.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Require Electronics Producers to Establish Used Device Donation and Recycling Booths
Students from poor and low income families would receive donated computers.

South African Government Signs Voluntary Agreement with Industry to Reduce Food Waste
The agreement targets a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030.

Landmark Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill Introduced in Australian Parliament
The bill seeks to ban the export of unprocessed waste and boost recycling and reuse through new product stewardship schemes.

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Publishes Draft Product Stewardship Agreement for Aluminum Cans
The Ministry wants to increase the aluminum can recycling rate to 95%.

Norwegian Environment Agency Recommends Banning Ten Types of Disposable Plastic Items
The ban would align Norwegian regulations with an EU directive approved last year.

Bill Introduced in Argentinian Senate Would Require Warnings on Disposable Plastic Bottles
The sponsor of the bill is concerned about health and sanitation issues related to reusing such bottles.

Department of Environment, Food and Environment Launches Public Consultation on English Waste Management Plan
However, the draft "revised plan" proposes no new policies.

Philippine House Resolution Would Ban Disposable Plastic Water Bottles Institutionally
The sponsor says the resolution gives the chamber the chance to lead by example on reducing plastic waste.

August 2020:

Chilean Government Publishes Draft National Organic Waste Strategy
A publication consultation on the draft strategy was opened.

Government of New Zealand Proposes Phasing Out Single-Use and Difficult-to-Recycle Plastic Items
PVC, EPS and oxo-degradable plastics are identified by the government as hard to recycle.

Hong Kong EPD Awards Contract for Plastic Beverage Container Reverse Vending Machine Pilot Scheme
The pilot scheme is a major step toward implementing an extended producer responsibility scheme.

Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Products Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The measure provides a transition period for manufacturers to switch to biodegradable products.

Financial Incentives for Recycling C&D Waste Proposed by Philippine Lawmaker
Incentives include tax and duty exemptions, tax credits, and grants.

Ban on New Waste Incinerators Proposed in New South Wales Parliament
Incinerators recovering "exempt waste fuel" would not be covered by the proposed law.

New Zealand Government Announces Regulatory Product Stewardship Has Been Approved for Six Categories of Products
The country's 15 accredited voluntary stewardship schemes have had only limited success in minimizing waste, said a government minister.

Swedish Government Releases Circular Economy Strategy
The strategy focuses on five priority streams that include plastics, textiles and renewable and bio-based raw materials.

Spanish Decree on Waste Tire Management Called a Step Toward Extended Producer Responsibility
Landfill disposal of large tires prohibited, reuse or recovery required.

Welsh Government Proposes Banning Nine Types of Single Use Plastic Products
The ban likely will take effect in autumn 2021.

Bill Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives Would Establish Regional Recycling Centers
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources would establish needed rules and regulations if the bill becomes law.

French National Assembly Resolution Links Advertising to Overconsumption and Environmental Harm
The resolution contains more than 20 recommended actions some of which would need to be codified.

July 2020:

Australian Government Announces Support for Changes to Product Stewardship Act 2011
Following a review of the Act, 23 recommendations are being supported.

Circular Economy Measures included in Czech Republic Draft State Environmental Policy
The Policy is expected to be finalized before the end of this year.

Chilean Senado Approves Bill Prohibiting Single-Use Plastic Carryout Food Service Products
The bill now is being discussed in the Camara.

German Environment Agency Opens Public Consultation on Draft Updated Packaging Recyclability Standards
In Germany, higher packaging recyclability can lower producer responsibility fees.

UNEP Publishes Recommendations on Reducing Plastic Pollution in the Global Tourism Sector
The recommendations focus on issues resulting specifically from the covid-19 pandemic.

Republic of South Africa Launches Public Consultation on Proposed Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations
Separate EPR regulations are presented for paper and packaging, lighting products, and electric and electronic equipment.

German Federal Cabinet Approves Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Items
The bill was sent to the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) for final approval.

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Publishes "Terms of Commitment" for Packaging EPR
Among other goals, the document calls for all plastic packaging to be 100% recyclable or compostable by 2025.

Brazilian Senador Wants to Establish Extended Producer Responsibility for Fluorescent Lamps
Lamp manufacturers would be responsible for the collection, safe transport and recycling of the lamps.

Chilean Ministry of Environment Unveils National Packaging Recycling Seal and Website
Packaging producers must pass a certification process to display the new eco-seal.

New French Circular Economy Regulation Provides VAT Exemptions for Businesses that Donate Unsold Goods
The regulation was presented as an incentive to reduce commercial waste generation.

June 2020:

Spanish Government Approves National Circular Economy Strategy
The strategy calls for implementing three triennial actions plans over the next ten years.

Final Regulations Approved to Establish Scottish Container Deposit Scheme
The scheme will launch on July 1, 2022.

ECHA Committee Supports Restrictions on Intentionally Added Microplastics in All Products
Microplastics used in making artificial turf cited as a particular concern.

Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility Bill Introduced in Argentinian Senate
The bill includes a sliding scale of tax credits for packaging producers to facilitate their investment in needed takeback systems.

Another Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Ban Disposable Plastic Bags
The proposal would mandate a retail transition to bags made of biodegradable alternatives.

Bill to Ease Ban on Waste Incineration Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives
Medical waste from the covid-19 pandemic cited as rationale for the change.

May 2020:

Netherlands Expands Container Deposit Scheme to Include Smaller Plastic Bottles
A deposit on metal cans could follow in two years.

A Different Kind of Beverage Container Return System Proposed in Colombian Senate Bill
The proposed system would "reimburse" consumers for 10% of a beverage product's value rather than imposing a specific deposit amount.

Recycling Scheme for Non-Returnable Glass Beverage Bottles Proposed in Brazilian Camara
Businesses that sell beverages in glass bottles would be required to act as collection points for empty bottles.

House Resolution Calls for Study on How to Implement a Circular Economy in the Philippines
The study would be undertaken by a legislative committee.

Catalan Government Approves Progressive Landfill Disposal Tax Increases
The measure seeks to provide economic support for waste reduction, reuse and recycling.

Swedish EPA Researches a Possible Tax on Plastics
The Swedish EPA says a plastics tax could help the country achieve its goal of no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

April 2020:

European Commission Adopts New Circular Economy Action Plan
The plan includes 69 actions that range from product design initiatives to measures targeting seven key economic sectors.

Australian Packaging Industry-Government Report Identifies Strategies for Achieving 2025 National Packaging Targets
The strategies focus on designing more circular packaging, improving waste packaging collection, and expanding markets for used packaging.

Queensland, Australia Holds Public Consultation on Possible Single-Use Plastics Legislation
A ban on several items is expected to take effect on July 1, 2021.

Bill in Argentinian Camara Would Require Transitioning to Biodegradable Plastic Bags
The transition would apply to plastic carryout, garbage and hygienic waste bags as well as plastic shipping envelopes.

Corona Virus Protection for Brazilian Waste Workers Would Be Required under Camara Bill
The protection would be physical and economic.

Bill Requiring Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives
The proposed EPR scheme would apply to plastic bags, rigid plastic packaging and flexible plastic packaging.

Resolution Introduced in Danish Parliament Calls for Placing Waste and Recycling Pictograms on Packaging
The pictogram system was developed in 2018 for use on bins by the Danish Waste Association.

Welsh Government Says to Expect Pubic Consultation on Single-Use Plastics in Coming Months
The launch of the consultation appears to have been delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Philippine Senate Sustainable Procurement Bill Would Facilitate Government Recycling and Reuse
All government departments, offices and agencies would be required to develop sustainable procurement programs.

Brazilian Deputado Introduces Two Bills to Reduce Disposable Plastic Waste
One bill would make beverage producers and importers responsible for collecting and recycling their plastic bottles.

Fourteen Governments Sign Voluntary European Plastics Pact
The same signatories all must meet mandatory targets required by the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

February 2020:

Scottish Government Proposes Landfill Tax Increase to Support a Circular Economy
Recommitments also made to a container deposit scheme and other initiatives to reduce waste.

Environment Bill 2019-2020 Reintroduced in UK Parliament
The bill includes a framework for adopting new waste, resource efficiency and producer responsibility regulations by each UK member country.

Australian Government Recycling Market Review Highlights National Waste Challenges
Chinese waste import restrictions have led to volatility for Australian plastics, paper and cardboard recycling.

Plastic Waste Imports and Exports Bill Advances in Parliament of Singapore
The measure would bring Singapore into compliance with its Basel Convention commitments.

Food Waste Reduction Act Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives
Establishments covered under the proposed law would need to segregate edible and inedible food waste streams.

Chilean Diputado Proposes Fishing and Aquaculture Industry Finance Marine Waste Clean Up
The bill's author cites marine microplastics and an increasing volume of plastic waste among the reasons for action.

January 2020:

Welsh Government Launches Public Consultation on Circular Economy Strategy
The strategy focuses on six themes including expanding recycling, supporting waste prevention and reuse, and driving innovation and materials.

Draft Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy Released by Government of Ireland
A public consultation on the action plan will remain open through February 21.

Norwegian Government Releases National Waste Plan for 2020-2025
Goals in the plan harmonize with those established by recent European Union Directives.

Colombian Ministerial Resolution Establishes Official National Color Scheme for Recycling Bins
The resolution takes effect next year.

Brazilian Deputada Proposes National Ban on Disposable Plastic Cups and Steel Containers
The sponsor of the measure says less than have of Brazil's steel packaging is being recycled.

Ban on Disposable Plastics Included in Argentinian Senate Sustainable Public Buildings Bill
Public building managers also would need to reduce waste generation and increase recycling.

December 2019:

Reducing Waste and Boosting Recycling Are Part of EU Commission's New European Green Deal
As part of the European Green Deal, a Circular Economy Action Plan will be released by the Commission in March 2020.

Swedish Parliament Approves Tax on Waste Destined for Incineration
The tax will take effect on April 1, 2020 and increase annually over two years.

Proposal to Reduce E-Waste Introduced in Brazilian Camara
Among the bill's provisions, producers would need to display information on the life expectancy of their products.

Bill to Require Source Separation of Waste in Federal Government Buildings Passes Initial Brazilian Senado Committee Vote
Collection bins for recyclable materials would be installed in the buildings.

National Ban on Single-Use Plastics Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives
The legislation would include a one-year period to transition away from single-use plastics.

Swiss Federal Council Report Says Only Improved Public Awareness, Not New Regulations, Are Needed to Maintain PET Bottle Recycling Quality
Switzerland already enjoys an 80% PET bottle recycling rate.

Australian Senate Bill Would Mandate Product Stewardship for Packaging and Plastics
The bill includes targets to make all packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.

Retail Collection of Packaging Waste Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives.
Retailers and producers would receive tax incentives to collect recyclable materials and reuse them in packaging.

Danish Parliament Takes Up Bill to Tax Single-Use Plastic Bags
The bill brings Denmark into compliance with EU Directive 2015/720 addressing lightweight plastic carrier bags.

Philippine House Bill Would Phase Out Single-Use Plastics
Until the phase out is completed, charges would be imposed on the plastic items.

Ban on Cardboard Toothpaste Packaging Proposed in Argentinian Congress
Toothpaste producers would need to eliminate the packaging within two years if the bill is approved.

French National Assembly Resolution Calls for All Cigarette Filters to Be Compostable
A proposed ban on cellulose acetate filters by national decree is recommended.

Government of Zealand Proposes Landfill Tax Increases to Increase Recycling and Reuse
Taxes also would be expanded to include additional waste streams.

November 2019:

Australian Government Releases National Waste Policy Action Plan
The action plan sets seven targets and 80 actions intended to achieve the targets.

Scottish Government Consults on Proposed Circular Economy Legislation
The consultation seeks in put on six general proposals and two pieces of secondary legislation.

Irish Government Proposes Array of New Environmental Taxes and Opens a Public Consultation
New environmental levies are proposed for disposable cups, take away food containers, and plastic retail food packaging.

Waste-to-Energy Public-Private Partnerships Bill Introduced in Brazil Camara dos Deputados
The legislation focuses on providing tax incentives for companies to build and operate waste-to-energy facilities.

German Federal Cabinet Announces Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags
The ban will be implemented through an upcoming amendment to the Packaging Act.

Latest Bill to Ban Plastic Bags Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
The bill also recommends that the savings merchants would receive from not providing bags should be passed on to customers.

Bill to Prohibit "Harmful Plastic" Packaging and Microplastic Beads Introduced in Irish Parliament
The bill also would prohibit consumer products that contain plastic microbeads.

Norwegian Environment Agency Proposes Ban on Nine Disposable Plastic Items
A public consultation on draft regulations is open.

Scottish Parliament Introduces 25-Pence Charge on Its Disposable Beverage Cups
The charge applies only to cafes inside Parliament, but it likely will expand nationally under legislation being developed.

Philippine House Bill Would Ban Single-Use Plastics at Tourist Sites and Destinations
Several federal government departments would prepare guidelines needed to implement the law.

Swedish Parliament Takes Up Proposed Tax on Waste Delivered to Incinerators
The tax was included in the national government’s 2020 budget released earlier this year.

Larger Commercial Waste Generators Would Become Responsible for their Waste Management Costs under Brazilian Camara Bill
The bill would amend the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Sustainability Index for Consumer Electronics Proposed in French National Assembly
Manufacturers and importers would determine the criteria used to establish the index.

October 2019:

Massive New Environment Bill Would Transition United Kingdom's Environmental Goals and Policies Post-Brexit
Waste and resource efficiency issues including producer responsibility requirements, deposit schemes, single-use plastics, and waste separation, are addressed in the bill.

New EU Ecodesign Regulations Include Requirements to Make Some Products More Durable and Delay Their End-of-Life
Repair parts would need to be made available for a specified numbers of years, and repairs would need to be completed using commonly available tools.

Swedish EPA Publishes Guidance Document on New Packaging and Printed Paper Collection Scheme
Packaging and printed paper manufacturers will have to register with a licensed collection system by January 2021.

Bill to Prohibit Microplastic Particles in Personal Care Products Introduced in Argentinian Camara
The bill also calls for further study on the effects of plastics on the environment and human health.

Ban on Use of Plastic Labels Proposed in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
Labels made from recycled plastic would remain permissible.

Peruvian Lawmakers Propose Ecobonus Card to Incentivize More Consumer Recycling
Cardholders would receive points for the recyclable materials they turn in.

September 2019:

Draft Regulations for Container Deposit and Return Scheme Published by Scottish Government
The regulations set a 90% container collection rate by 2024.

Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Industry Groups Finalizing Draft EPR Plan for E-Waste
The plan calls for recycling a minimum of 17% of consumer e-waste within five years.

European Commission Opens Public Consultation on Conducting RoHS Directive Evaluation
The consultation follows a stakeholder review and comment period last year of a Directive Evaluation and Fitness Check Roadmap.

Australian State of Victoria Approves Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags
The ban will take effect on November 1.

Ban on Larger PET Containers Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
The bill's sponsor says disposable PET packaging can be replaced easily with returnable packaging.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Facilitate Converting Waste to Energy
Supportive financial incentives would be made available to companies and local government units.

Indian Government Launches Public Consultation on Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy
The policy seeks to reduce natural resource consumption, minimize waste, increase recycling, and support a circular economy.

Government of Singapore Releases Zero Waste Masterplan
Priority waste streams include food, packaging and electrical and electronic equipment.

Broad Range of Single-Use Plastic Prohibitions Proposed in Argentinian Camara Bill
A mandatory registry for plastic manufacturers, importers and distributors also is included in the proposal.

Proposed Philippine Fee on Disposable Plastic Straws Would Include Pre-Packaged Beverages
The bill also would require Central Straw Disposal Units be established in all Philippine provinces.

Another Bill to Ban Plastic Straws Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The ban would apply to plastic straw manufacture and retail distribution.

Three Dutch Caribbean Islands Agree to Ban Disposable Plastics by 2021
An action plan will be finalized within a year.

August 2019:

New Zealand Government Launches Public Consultation on Product Stewardship Priority Products
Mandatory stewardship has been proposed for six categories of products.

Australian Environmental Ministers Directed to Develop Timeline to Reduce Exports of Plastic Waste and Other Wastes
The decision was made as Asian countries have banned or restricted waste imports from Australia and other countries.

Ban on All Single-Use Plastics Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives
Government incentives and tax rebates would facilitate the transition to use of alternative materials.

Bill to Transition from Single-Use Plastics to Biodegradable Substitutes Introduced in Argentinian Camara
The bill targets disposable packaging.

Brazilian Supermarkets Would Be Required to Collect Waste Packaging under Camara Bill
The sponsor of the bills says only 13% of municipal solid waste is being recycled.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Restrict Locations of Solid Waste Incinerators
Such incinerators would need to be at least one kilometer away from any residential areas.

French Environmental Ministry and National Association of Coastal Municipalities Sign Charter to Combat Plastic Waste
Signatory local governments agree to take 15 steps to reduce plastic pollution.

President of Costa Rica Signs Law Banning Polystyrene Foam Food Packaging
Producers and food providers have 24 months to transition to alternative materials.

Single-Use Plastics Reduction Resolution Introduced in the Spanish Congress
Many provisions in the resolution also are in the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive.

Ban on Five Types of Disposable Plastic Items Proposed in Brazilian Camara
The ban would not take effect until five years after the law is approved.

Two Bills Introduced in Philippine Senate Seek to Reduce Food Waste
Both bills would establish schemes involving national government departments, local government units, and food-related businesses.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Effectiveness of End-of-Life Vehicles Directive
The consultation seeks views on whether the ELV Directive is successful is achieving its objectives.

July 2019:

Austrian Council of Ministers Approves Ban on Retail Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Carrier Bags
However, retail establishments will have a one-year long transition period to exhaust their existing stock.

Government of South Australia Announces Intention to Ban Single-Use Plastics
A stakeholder task force is being organized to help develop the proposed legislation.

UK Government Launches Consultation on Biodegradable, Compostable and Bio-based Plastics Standards
Existing and potential biodegradability standards, certification and labeling, and impacts on waste processing are among the subjects for which the government needs more information.

Scottish Government Expert Panel Calls for National Mandatory Charge for Disposable Beverage Cups
The expert panel made 10 other recommendations to reduce disposable beverage cup waste.

Mandated Recycling in Public Schools Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
Schools would separate waste into six streams.

Italian Camera dei Deputati Adopts In-house Ban on Disposable Plastic Bottles
Environmental Minister also calls for a ban on disposable plastic packaging in all government buildings.

Draft Law Promoting Waste Reduction and a Circular Economy Heads to French National Assembly for Review
The bill has 13 provisions that address e-waste, packaging waste and extended producer responsibility.

Swedish Government to Begin Developing Proposals to Reduce Single-Use Plastics Consumption
The proposals are required by Directive (EU) 2019/904 addressing plastic waste and the environment.

Government of Aruba Publishes Document for Achieving a Circular Economy
The document includes 27 "interventions" to move the country toward its 2050 goal.

Proposed Ban on Disposable Plastic Food Service Ware Introduced in Argentinian Camara
The bill also would establish an Institute of Industrial Biodegradable Materials Production.

Resolution in Argentina Would Establish a Recycling Program in the Senate
The resolution calls on the Senate to lead by example in waste separation efforts.

Latest Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags
Only biodegradable and bio-compostable bags would be permitted.

Chilean Ministry of Environment Launches Consultation on Draft Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility Decree
The decree includes separate collection targets for domestic producers and packaging importers.

Tax on Plastic Carryout Bags Proposed by Swedish Finance Minister
The tax would tax effect on March 1, 2020.

Disposable Plastic Bag Ban Proposed in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
Stores would need to switch to reusable bags or other types of carryout containers.

Norwegian Environment Agency Consults on Plan to Limit Microplastics from Artificial Turf Fields
Proposed regulations could reduce microplastic particle emissions by up to 98% says the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

City of Buenos Aires Bans Single-Use Plastic Straws
Straws are now available only upon customer request but will be banned completely within six months.

UK Parliamentary Committee Launches Public Inquiry about Electronics in the Circular Economy
The committee is concerned that per capita e-waste generation in the United Kingdom is about 40% higher than the EU average.

June 2019:

European Union Single-Use Plastic Products Directive Becomes Law
The directive includes product prohibitions, requires product markings and extended producer responsibility schemes, and sets other requirments.

European Environment Agency Report Says Only Nine European Countries Have Set Plastic Waste Prevention Targets
However, the agency identified 173 plastic waste prevention measures in place with the majority of them addressing plastic production.

Germany Launches Public Consultation on Minimum Recyclability Standards for Packaging
The standards will help determine packaging recycling fees that producers pay.

Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Shopping Bags Introduced in New South Wales Parliament
The law would take effect six months after it achieves royal assent.

Proposed Ban of Disposable Plastic Carryout Bags and Food Utensils Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
The same bill also would ban microplastic particles in drugs and personal care products.

Chilean Camara Bill Would Extend Single-Use Plastic Carryout Bag Ban to Some Product Wrapping
Food retailers would switch to bags made of paper, cloth or non-plastic materials.

May 2019:

Formation of a Partnership on Plastic Wastes Agreed to at Latest Basel Convention Meeting
Nominations for membership in a Partnership working group are being accepted.

Japanese Government Releases Draft Strategy for Plastic Resources Circulation
Among the goals in the strategy is reducing single-use plastics consumption by 25% by 2030.

New Zealand Government Plans to Revamp Domestic Recycling and Resource Recovery Efforts
The effects of China's National Sword Policy cited as a key reason for making domestic recycling infrastructure and processing capabilities improvements.

Norwegian Ministry of Environment Organizes Working Group to Address Environmentally Challenging Disposable Products
The working group will present initial proposals on September 15.

Bill to Ban Several Common Disposable Plastic Items Introduced in Chilean Senado
The ban includes bottles, bags and eating utensils.

Two More Bills to Reduce Disposable Plastics Use Were Introduced in the Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
Both bills would provide a two-year period for manufacturers and distributors to adjust for the new restrictions

European Commission Drafts Common Methodology for Member States to Measure Food Waste Levels
The methodologies support food waste regulations included in the EU Waste Framework Directive.

April 2018

National Waste Plan Proposed by French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition
A public consultation on the draft plan is open for comment.

Brazilian Government Unveils Action Plan to Combat Marine Waste
The plan includes 30 actions and activities the federal government will implement or support.

Spanish Ministry of Environment Opens Public Consultation on Revising Waste Tire Management Regulations
The current extended producer responsibility scheme could be expanded to include more types of tire producers.

European Commission Outlines Actions to Reduce Pharmaceutical Contamination of the Environment
Recommendations include assessing the implementation of collection schemes for unused pharmaceuticals and supporting the development of "greener" drugs.

Bill Introduced in Chilean Camara Would Extend EPR Law to Cover Food Waste Produced by Restaurants and Bars
The bill's author cites food decomposing in landfills and producing methane as a reason for taking action.

Use of Eco-barriers to Reduce Waste and Litter in Brazilian Waterways Proposed in Camara dos Deputados
PET bottles and other floating plastic containers are identified as a priority target.

European Parliament Approves Proposed Law to Reduce Single-Use Plastics
The same proposed law sets minimum recycled content on disposable PET beverage containers and other requirements on some plastic items.

UK Parliament Committee Launches Inquiry into Plastic Food and Drink Packaging
Plastic packaging extended producer responsibility and a tax are two ideas for which the committee is seeking comment.

Portuguese Government Publishes Public Administration Guidance on the Sustainable Use of Plastics and Circular Economy Solutions
The document lists 70 good practices that government agencies and departments should follow when making public administration decisions including purchasing.

Negative Effects of China's National Sword Policy Lead to Recycling and Waste Management Inquiry by Victoria Parliamentary Committee
The committee plans to publish a report on the situation in August.

Limited Plastic Bag Ban Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
The proposed law would take effect one year after passage.

Bill Requiring Products and Packaging Decomposition Information Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
The information would appear on packaging and labeling.

March 2019:

United Kingdom Launches Public Consultation on Proposed Plastic Packaging Tax
Generally, the tax would apply to most plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled content.

Indian Environmental Ministry Announces Ban on Solid Plastic Waste Imports
The Ministry said it is "upholding the principles of sustainable development and ensuring minimal impact on the environment."

Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Publishes Strategy for Achieving Zero Waste
The objective of the strategy is to transform Mexico's traditional waste management model into a circular economy model.

Singapore Government Launches Public Consultation to Prepare a Zero Waste Master Plan
At this early stage in the process, the government is seeking stakeholder ideas and input to prepare a draft plan.

West Australia Releases Action Plan to Reduce Waste and Increase Recovery
The government wants to reduce waste generation by 20% and increase recovery to 75% by 2030.

Ban on Plastic Straws Proposed in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
A 24-month transition period would commence once the law takes effect.

February 2019:

United Kingdom Launches Public Consultation on Beverage Container Deposit Return Scheme
The consultation includes 89 questions covering subjects ranging from covered beverages and containers to monitoring and compliance requirements.

French Government, Companies and NGOs Sign National Pact on Plastic Packaging
The voluntary agreement includes eliminating problematic and unnecessary plastic packaging.

Dutch Government Plastic Pact Calls for Making All Plastic Packaging 100% Reusable or Recyclable by 2025
Seventy-five companies and businesses, including plastic manufacturers, have signed the pact.

Extended Producer Responsibility for Cooking Oils and Fats Proposed in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
The bill suggests the waste cooking oil could be converted into biofuel.

Green Packaging Act Proposed in Philippine Senate
Businesses would be encouraged to use recyclable and biodegradable packaging through tax credits.

Bill to Ban Plastic Carryout Bags Introduced in Brazilian Camara dos Deputados
Several bills introduced in the previous Camara legislative session all died in committee.

South Australian Government Launches Public Consultation on Container Deposit Scheme and Single-Use Plastics
The South Australia container deposit was launched in 1977, the first in the country.

Irish Environmental Minister Announces Study of Possible Container Deposit and Return Scheme
The Minister wants a plan to recover 90% of disposable plastic drink bottles introduced into the market by 2029.

Bill to Ban PET Food and Drink Containers Introduced in Brazilian Camara Dos Deputados
PET packaging producers would have six years to comply with the law if it is approved.

European Chemicals Agency Considers Restricting Microplastic Particles in Broad Range of Products
The agency says the material is very persistent in the environment and cannot be practically removed once released.

Blanket Ban on All Waste Imports Proposed in Philippine Senate
The proposed Philippine ban follows waste import restrictions in China, Vietnam and Thailand.

Bill Introduced in Philippine Senate Would Create a National E-Waste Recycling Program
An advance recycling fee would be added to sales of covered devices.

Mandating Consumer Information on End-of-Life Electronics Proposed in Chilean Senate
The measure would amend the country's existing extended producer responsibility law.

UK Parliament Committee Says the UK Textile Industry is "Environmentally Unsustainable"
A review of some leading clothing retailers found use of recycled materials in the products they sell is limited.

January 2019:

Australian Governments Release 2018 National Waste Policy
The policy provides a framework for waste reduction and recycling activities through 2030 and embraces a circular economy.

Brazil Ministry of Environment Launches Public Consultation on Marine Waste Prevention Plan
The ministry is seeking input into what should be included in the plan.

New Scottish Landfill Management Plan Supports 2021 National Biodegradable Waste Ban
The plan also calls for improving landfill gas capture data.

UK Government Launches Consultation on Doubling English Single-Use Plastic Bag Fee
Producers of single-use plastic bags would be required to report the number of bags they place in the market.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Prohibit Disposable Plastic Bags, Cups and Straws
The bill also requires the items be manufactured from biodegradable material within two years of the law's approval.

Chilean Camara Bill Would Require Special Labeling on Products Prioritized for Extended Producer Responsibility
Priority products include packaging, EEE, lubricating oil, tires, batteries, newspapers and magazines.

European Commission Announces Broad Restrictions on Four Phthalates Used in Plastics
The four phthalates will be restricted in all consumer products in the EU.

December 2018:

German Government Announces Five-Point Plan for Reducing Plastic Waste
More eco-friendly design of packaging and products and higher plastic recycling targets are two of the points included in the plan.

Peruvian Congress Approves Bill to Tax Single-Use Plastic Packaging
The law also authorizes tax incentives for companies to produce biodegradable alternatives.

Portuguese Government Decree Establishes Container Deposit Scheme Pilot Project
Initially, the deposit will apply only to plastic bottles but later glass, aluminum, and steel containers will be added.

Brazilian Senado Approves Bill to Establish Reverse Logistics for Cooking Oil
The bill now will be taken up by the Camara dos Deputados.

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Releases Draft Reverse Logistics Plan for Lead-Acid Batteries
The plan calls for collecting 90% of all waste lead-acid batteries introduced into the market within four years.

Latest Danish Government Report Shows Packaging Recycling Up in 2016
The recycling rates for glass, plastic, paper and cardboard, metal and wood all increased and exceed EU targets

November 2018:

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Launches Public Consultation on Drug EPR Draft Decree
Drug stores and pharmacies will serve as collection points.

New Zealand Government Begins Drafting Regulations to Phase-out Single-Use Plastic Bags
The announcement follows the completion of a public consultation.

Spanish Ministry Announces Online Registry Now Open for Plastic Bag Manufacturers
Manufacturers must submit 2017 and 2018 market data by the end of March 2019.

Another Bill Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives Seeks to Reduce Food Waste
Food-related businesses would submit waste reduction strategies to the government.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Addresses Marine Vessel-Generated Plastic Debris
Operators of vessels caught dumping waste could lose their marine licenses.

Peruvian Supreme Decree Restricts Single-Use Plastics
Executive branch agencies are expected to phase out single-use plastic items by 2021.

Ecuadoran Ministry of Education Prohibits Single-Use Plastics in Public Schools
Five types of items have been restricted from purchase or use.

Swedish Lawmaker Calls for Extending Container Deposit Scheme to All EAN Marked Containers
The lawmaker argues that some imported containers are being disposed instead of being recycled.

Volume-Based Waste Charging Bill Introduced in Hong Kong Legislative Council
Waste bags will be sold in sizes ranging from three to 100 liters in volume.

Philippine Senate Resolution Calls for Investigation of Plastic Waste Shipment from South Korea
Author of the measure says he does not want his country to be "a dumping site of the more advanced economies."

Northern Territory Container Deposit Scheme Achieving Many Stated Objectives Says Government-Sponsored Independent Audit
However, 21 recommendations were recommended for increasing the redemption rate.

October 2018:

New South Wales Government Publishes Draft Circular Economy Policy
The NSW policy is in part a response to China's National Sword policy on waste imports.

Full European Parliament Approves Ban on Some Single-Use Plastic Items
The proposal was forwarded to the Council of the European Union for review.

Chilean Government Launches Public Consultation on Draft Waste Tire EPR Regulations
Tires are one of six product categories for which EPR regulations must be established.

Scottish EPA Opens Public Consultation on Waste Tires Plan
The plan includes 27 actions to reduce the environmental impact of waste tires and prevent their stockpiling.

Bill to Combat Illegal Waste Dumping Passes Key Brazilian Senate Committee
The measure would make illegal dumping a violation of the National Policy on Solid Waste.

UK Parliament Committee Begins Investigating Environmental Footprint of Textiles
Leading retailers are being asked about the lifespan of their products, use of recycled materials, and efforts to reuse clothing, among other subjects.

Australian Capital Territory Opens Public Consultation on Waste-To-Energy Policy
Six waste conversion methods are being considered by the government.

Singapore Parliament Approves Law to Regulate a Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System
Large residential building owners or occupiers in designated areas will need to transport waste using a government-controlled pneumatic system.

Norwegian Environment Agency Proposes Regulation to Increase Food and Plastic Waste Sorting
A goal is to be sorting 70% of both household waste streams by 2035.

Dutch Government Institute Publishes Guidance on How to Help Keep Hazardous Substances Out of Recycling Streams
The guidance provides a decision tree for waste managers to determine if a material is safe to recycle.

French Senator Calls for New Commission to Address Plastic Waste Management Problems
The lawmaker says current public and private initiatives to address the problems are insufficient.

European Commission Report Identifies 14 Member States at Risk of Missing EU 2020 Recycling Target
Recommendations made for increasing recycling rate for seven waste streams including MSW and e-waste.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Prohibit Landfill Disposal of E-Waste
Violations could result in fines, loss of business license or imprisonment.

Government of Jamaica Announces Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags and Some other Plastic Items
Three bans will phase in starting on January 1, 2019.

Regulation of Single-Use Plastics Subject of Philippine Senate Bill
The bill also would provide funding for the development of alternatives to single-use plastics.

Tijuana, Mexico Bans Disposable Plastic Carryout Bags
The Tijuana ban is encouraging other coastal cities to adopt similar bans.

September 2018:

Australian Government Invites Feedback on Planned Update of 2009 National Waste Policy
A discussion paper for the update sets six new waste reduction and recycling targets for 2030.

UK Prime Minister Intends to Increase Charge on Plastic Carrier Bags
The charge would double from five to ten pence in an effort to decrease marine plastic litter.

Ban on Plastic Bags Proposed in Brazilian Senado
Only biodegradable and reusable bags would be permitted.

Transition from Disposable Plastic Shopping Bags to Biodegradable Alternatives Proposed in Peruvian Congress
Merchants would have a year to complete the transition.

Grenada Approves Non-Biodegradable Waste Control 2018
Under the Act, a ban on importation of polystyrene foam food packaging took effect on September 1.

August 2018:

Bill to Reduce Marine Plastic Waste Introduced in New South Wales Parliament
The bill includes a goal to make all packaging used in NSW to be recyclable, compostable or reusable by the end of 2023.

New Zealand Government Consults on Proposed Phase Out of Single-Use Plastic Bags
The phase out could commence in July 2019.

St. Lucia Announces Ban on Polystyrene Foam Food Service Containers
A possible ban on disposable plastic bottles is being considered.

Government Report Suggests Reduction in Carrier Bag Distribution May Have Plateaued in Northern Ireland
Bag distribution in 2017/18 was only 1.1% lower than the previous year.

Mexican Senado Resolution Recommends Informational Campaign on the Safe Recycling of Mercury-Containing Lamps
The campaign would be managed by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly Calls for Transitioning from Plastic Beverage Bottles to Reusable Glass
Plastic bottle producers would pay into a special government-managed fund to support the transition.

Norwegian Environment Agency Is Directed to Prepare Disposable Plastics Reduction Recommendations
The agency will submit a preliminary assessment of possible actions by the end of this year.

Australian Government Releases Updated Marine Plastic Debris Plan
The primary goal of the plan is to protect Australian ocean and coastal wildlife.

Taiwan EPA Raises Environmental Fee on PVC Packaging by 470%
The agency said most PVC packaging is incinerated instead of being recycled.

Another Bill Introduced in the Philippine House Seeks to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags
The same bill would ban the sale of products containing microplastic beads and add restrictions on other plastic items and packaging.

Bill to Impose Fees for Disposable Plastic Straws Introduced in Philippine Senate
The fees would apply both to drink packaging with attached straws and straws provided optionally by food and drink establishments.

July 2018:

European Parliament Committee Approves Amended European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy
The amended strategy will be up for a vote by the full Parliament in mid-September.

Spanish Parliament Takes Up Bill Addressing an Expanded Range of Single-Use Plastics Waste
A ban is proposed not only on food service ware but disposable plastic items such as razors, lighters and printer and copier toner cartridges.

Ban on Plastic Straws and Drink Stirrers Proposed in Philippine Senate
The bill's sponsor hopes the measure will lead to a change in consumer behavior regarding disposable packaging use.

Key Committee in Brazilian Senado Approves Bill Banning Microplastic Particles
The ban would apply to cosmetics and personal care products only.

Legislation Introduced in Colombia Would Require Recycling of Used Lubricating and Industrial Oils
Virgin oil producers, importers, and distributors as well as used oil generators all would have responsibilities under the proposed law.

German Federal Environment Agency Publishes 2016 Packaging Waste Data Report
The consumption of glass and aluminum packaging each were up by more than 4% for the year.

Government of Victoria, Australia Announces a Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags
The ban will take effect before the end of next year.

Ban on Single-Use Plastic Items Proposed in Chilean Camara de Diputados
The bill is the fourth introduced this year seeking to restrict plastic waste.

Brazilian Senado Committee Approves Bill to Make Illegal Dumping in Public Places a Criminal Offense
The full Senado now will vote on the bill, which has already been approved in the Camara dos Deputados.

Two Bills Introduced in the Brazilian Camara dos Deputados Would Ban Plastic Straws
One bill would phase-in the ban; the other would not.

Singapore National Environment Agency Moves Up Date for Mandatory Packaging Waste Reduction Plans
Packaging producers now will need to submit waste reduction plans starting in 2020.

Swedish Government Announces Changes for Collection of Residential Packaging and Printed Paper Waste
Collections will become more convenient for residents; producers will pay for the convenience.

Scottish Government Launches Public Consultation on Container Deposit Scheme
The consultation consists of 54 questions organized by 12 "key components" of the scheme.

Danish Government Adds Juice Bottles to National Container Deposit Scheme
The addition will take effect on January 1, 2020.

Bill Introduced in Peruvian Congress Would Transition from Traditional Plastics to Biodegradable and Compostable Substitutes
A 10% preference would be given by the government to contract bidders that offer biodegradable and compostable items.

Veracruz, Mexico Approves Law to Ban Traditional Single-Use Plastic Bags and Plastic Straws
The Secretary of Environment is responsible for transitioning the state to biodegradable alternatives.

Marine Plastics Reduction Bill to Be Introduced in the New South Wales Parliament
The bill seeks to phase out single-use plastics.

UK House of Commons Committee to Examine Environmental Impact of Textile Production, Use and Disposal
A preliminary call for information was launched on June 22.

June 2018:

Improved Waste Management a Key Element in New Environmental Strategy for London
The strategy calls for no recyclable or biodegradable waste being sent to landfills by 2026.

Circular Economy Initiatives Are Part of a New Finnish Environmental Strategy
One initiative would create a national marketplace for wastes and production sidestreams.

Reduction of Plastic Packaging is Goal of Bill Introduced in UK Parliament
The bill would set annual plastic packaging production and sales targets and create a responsible body - the Plastics Agency.

Bill Introduced in Chilean Camara Calls for Prohibiting Plastic Containers and Packaging
Only reusable, recyclable or biodegradable containers and packaging would be permitted.

Two Bills Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Reduce the Use of Plastics to Reduce Pollution
One bill seeks to ban the use of all plastics in all single-use products beginning in 2030.

Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly Would Ban Plastic Straws
The proposed ban would take effect on January 1, 2020.

European Commission Proposal to Reduce Marine Plastic Litter Includes New EPR Schemes, Product Labeling and other Requirements
The proposal also includes setting a 90% collection rate for single-use plastic drinks bottles for 2025.

Spanish Government Adopts Decree to Reduce Consumption of Single-Use Plastic Bags
The decree establishes a national registry of plastic bag producers.

Brazilian Senado Bill Calls for Banning Some Single-Use Plastic Products and Microplastic Particles in Personal Care Products
The proposed bans would include single-use plastic bags, disposable plastic straws and non-biodegradble foodservice ware.

Bill Introduced in Peruvian Congress Would Ban Single-Use Plastic Items Including Bags
Only reusable, recyclable or biodegradable replacements would be permitted under the proposed law.

Nordic Council of Ministers Publishes Policy Brief on Ecodesign Requirements for Textiles and Furniture
The proposed requirements could be incorporated into an update of the EU Ecodesign Directive.

May 2018:

Australian Environmental Ministers Endorse 2025 Target for 100% Recyclable/Reusable Packaging
China's recent restrictions on waste imports cited as a reason for the new target.

European Parliament Report Calls for Extending Ecodesign Directive to Cover Product Durability, Reparability, Recyclability and Other Sustainability Issues
Rapporteur wants the directive to broaden beyond product energy efficiency.

Plastic Waste Bill Introduced in United Kingdom Parliament
The bill follows a public consultation by the UK Government on a possible single-use plastics tax.

Key Chilean Senate Committee Advances Bill Prohibiting Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Bags
The committee decision allows the bill to be voted on by the full Senate.

Reducing Food Waste Is Focus of Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
Supermarkets and food producers would be required to donate safe but no longer marketable food.

April 2018:

Australian Government Launches Review of Product Stewardship Act 2011
The public consultation will include the current National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

European Parliament Approves European Union Circular Economy Legislative Package
The final step before the measure becomes law is approval by the Council of Ministers.

Environmental Ministry Releases Statistical Report on 2015 Danish Packaging Recycling
The recovery levels of the five most common packaging materials exceeded European Union targets.

Brazilian Senado Committee Approves Bill Requiring Ready-To-Eat Food Packaging and Utensils Contain Biodegradable Materials
The minimum percentage of biodegradable material in the packaging would be phased in over eight years.

Deputado in Brazilian Camara Proposes New Recycling Labels for Products and Packaging
Labeling requirements would be developed by the Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas.

Bill Introduced in New South Wales Parliament Would Restrict Development of Energy Recovery from Waste
A new advisory committee to the Minister of Environment would recommend when moratoriums could be lifted.

UK Government Plans to Ban Sale of Plastic Straws and Some other Plastic Disposable Items
A public consultation on the proposed ban is planned for later this year.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Wants to Restrict Microplastics in More Products
The agency said it will advocate for the restrictions at the European Union level.

European Chemicals Agency Considering New Microplastics Restrictions
A call for evidence was launched to gather stakeholder input.

UK Government Releases Working Group Report in Support of a Container Deposit Return Scheme
The report also suggests the deposit return scheme be managed alongside a reformed packaging waste producer responsibility system.

Requested Report on the Future of French Extended Producer Responsibility Delivered to Ministry of Ecology
The report contains 38 proposals including establishing EPR for five new product sectors.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Establish Seal for Environmentally Friendly Companies
The proposed seal would be awarded for two year periods by Sisnama.

Kenyan Government and Producers Agree to PET Bottle Buy Back Scheme
The scheme will be modeled after one being implemented successfully in South Africa.

March 2018:

Australian Government Launches Initial Public Consultation on Broad National Product Stewardship Plan
Comments sought on a draft work plan and a proposed assessment|action|escalation process.

United Kingdom Government Launches Call for Evidence on Possible Single-Use Plastics Tax
Stakeholders are asked to respond to 18 consultation questions.

Spanish Ministries Publish Business-Oriented National Strategy for a Circular Economy
The strategy contains 70 measures to be implemented through 2020.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Senado Seeks to Broaden Use of Extended Producer Responsibility
The author of the bill says too much recyclable waste continues to be disposed in landfills.

Each Larger Brazilian City Would Have At Least One Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Facility under Brazilian Senado Bill
The requirement would apply to cities with 300,000 or more residents.

Hong Kong Government Publishes Official Notices to Implement Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for E-Waste
Suppliers and sellers of covered products may submit registration applications beginning on May 4.

February 2018:

Chilean Ministry of Environment Consults on National Ecodesign and Labeling Plan
Companies and products will be environmentally evaluated and certified using reference technical standards.

Danish Government Opens Initial Consultation on National Plastic Action Plan
Suggestions ought on plastic waste prevention, recycling, design and innovation, microplastic pollution prevention and related issues.

Panamanian Government Bans Retail Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Bags
Businesses have 18 to 24 months to transition to other types of carryout bags.

Draft Legislation to Ban Plastic Microbeads Published by Scottish Government
Additional legislation to ban plastic stemmed cotton buds proposed.

European MP Releases Draft Report Calling for Criteria for Product Robustness, Repairability Recyclability, Reuse and More
Those changes and others recommended in amendments to the EU Ecodesign Directive.

More Irish Food-Related Businesses Sign Voluntary Commitment to Government to Reduce Food Waste
Signatories commit to taking steps to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030.

January 2018:

European Commission Unveils Strategy to Make Plastic Waste Circular
Measures proposed to improve economics of recycling, reduce waste and litter, and drive investment and innovation towards circular solutions.

European Chemicals Agency Is Drafting Restrictions on Oxo-Plastics and Microplastics Use
Public consultations are expected to begin this spring.

Packaging and Tires Are First Product Categories Targeted under Chilean EPR Law
Stakeholder committees are being formed to help develop draft regulations.

Chilean Diputado Introduces Motion to Restrict Conventional Plastic Packaging
The proposed bill would promote biodegradable and compostable plastics as replacements.

Singapore NEA Is Planning an Initial Consultation for E-Waste Management System
The current national WEEE recycling program is voluntary, and the volume of e-waste generated is expected to grow.

Zero Food Waste Act Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives
The Act mandates activities to increase edible food donations and recycling/composting of inedible food.

Environmental Committee in UK Parliament Recommends Implementing a Container Deposit Scheme
The committee also called for a minimum use of 50% recycled PET in future bottle production and other actions.

Government of Western Australia Launches Public Consultation on Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban
The government wants the ban to commence on July 1, 2018.

Brazilian Government Opens Consultation on Proposed RoHS Regulations for Electronics and Appliances
European Union RoHS regulations were cited in the legislation as a possible model for Brazil.

Bill to Combat Littering and Illegal Dumping Clears Brazilian Camara
The legislation, introduced in 2013, is now being reviewed in the Senado.

ECHA Survey Finds BPA Use in Some European Thermal Paper Remains a Concern
Members of the European Thermal Paper Association appear to be more successful in transitioning to safer alternatives.

New Italian National Strategy for Sustainable Development Includes Some Waste and Recycling Goals
The plan calls for reducing the disposal of municipal solid waste to 10% by 2030.

December 2017:

South African Government Calls for Stewardship Plans from Electronics, Packaging and Lighting Producers
Producers and producer responsibility organizations must submit plans within nine months.

New Portuguese Law Broadens Foundation for Extended Producer Responsibility Programs
Portuguese Environment Agency says disposable diapers and computer media may be added.

European Council Publishes Its Conclusion on Eco-Innovation and the Circular Economy
The document interfaces with the Action Plan for a Circular Economy and upcoming supportive European Commission measures.

Australia Capital Territory Issues Regulatory Impact Statement for Upcoming Container Deposit Scheme
A public comment period on the Regulatory Impact Statement was opened.

Latest Government Report Says Beverage Container Return Rate Fell in Australia's Northern Territory
By container type, glass bottles had the highest return rate at 57%.

Brazilian Deputado Calls for Addition of Sanitary Outer Packaging for Canned Beverages
The added packaging would protect against chemical contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Senado Would Mandate Carcinogenic Warning Labels on Consumer Products
The proposed labeling requirement would apply to foods, beverages, medicine and perhaps other consumer products.

Singapore NEA Seeks Proposals for Autonomous Environmental Service Vehicles
The envisioned robotic vehicles would clean litter and sweep streets with little or no human involvement.

Countries Announce Support for UNEA Resolution on Reducing Marine Litter and Microplastics
Member States agree to voluntarily undertake about a dozen actions.

New Zealand Finalizes Ban on Plastic Microbeads
Initially proposed ban is extended to include household and industrial cleaning products.

Australian Government Launches National Food Waste Strategy
The goal of the strategy is to cut food waste in half nationally by 2030.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Seeks to Reduce Food Waste through Increased Donation
Proposed legislation is modeled after a law enacted in France in 2015.

Philippine Senator Calls for Tighter Regulation of Waste Imports
The resolution would authorize an inquiry into a 2014 waste import incident and the introduction of possible legislation.

Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Bill Requiring Extended Producer Responsibility for Cooking Oils and Fats
The bill would amend the National Policy on Solid Waste to add the edible fats to the list of EPR mandated products and packaging.

Hong Kong Environmental Secretary Announces Upcoming Ban on Plastic Bottled Water in Government Vending Machines
The government ban is hoped to "set an example" for businesses to follow.

French Government Agencies Launch Public Education Campaign on Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure
The government campaign centers on six actions mobile phone users can take to reduce their exposure.

November 2017:

Victorian Government Launches Consultation on Proposed Landfill Ban on E-Waste
The proposed ban would take effect on July 1, 2018.

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Announces Possible Tax on Single-Use Plastic Items
A tax was presented as a means to reduce litter and marine plastic pollution.

Another Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Was Introduced in the New South Wales Parliament
Plastic bag legislation has become a battle between the state premier and opposition members in the parliament.

European Chemicals Agency Launches Project to Check Product Notification and Communication Obligations under REACH Regulation
The agency will target seven categories of substances of very high concern.

Danish Parliament Approves 285 Million Kroner in Funding to Protect Residents against Harmful Chemicals
Activities will focus on endocrine disruptive, CMR, neurotoxic, and allergenic chemicals as well as ones environmentally harmful.

Australian Capital Territory Opens Public Consultation on New Container Deposit Scheme
A 10-cent deposit would be placed on a range of beverage containers beginning in early 2018.

Possible Container Deposit Scheme Is Focus of UK Call for Evidence on How to Recycle More Beverage Containers
The consultation seeks stakeholder input on the costs, impacts and benefits of such a scheme.

President of Panama Vetoes Recently Approved National Plastic Bag Law
The law was approved by the National Assembly in August.

Bill in Colombian Camara Would Establish EPR for Some Types of Packaging and Lubricating Oil
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development would be responsible for developing the required regulations.

New South Wales EPA Proposes Regulations for Improved C&D Waste Management
At the core of the regulations are new standards for C&D waste facilities.

Western Australia Proposes Changes to its Waste Strategy
The changes would help transition the state to a circular economy.

Welsh Government Consults on Proposed Ban on Plastic Microbeads
The proposed ban would take effect on June 30, 2018.

Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly to Require Special Pictograms on Products Containing Endocrine Disruptors
The pictograms would include the text "Not recommended for pregnant women."

October 2017:

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Begins Public Consultation on Draft EPR Agreement for Steel Packaging
The agreement seeks to achieve a 14.9% steel packaging recycling rate within three years.

UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Considers Changes to WEEE Regulations
Two stakeholder consultations launched on 2017 compliance fee and other changes to WEEE regulations.

National Recycling Fund Regulation Authorized in Chile
The fund will provide financing for municipal programs to prevent waste generation and to separate, reuse and recycle the waste that is generated.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Reduce Food Waste by Requiring Commercial Food Donations
In return, the government would provide protections from civil and criminal liabilities relating to food donations.

Hong Kong Environment Bureau Announces Modifications to Proposed Volume-Based Waste Charging Scheme
Use of prepaid trash bags will be extended to handle about 80% of all municipal solid waste.

Australian Government Consults with Stakeholders on Possible Restrictions on PFOS and Related Chemicals
The consultation weighs the costs of several options that would move Australia into to compliance fully or to some degree with Stockholm Convention requirements.

England Launches Preliminary Public Consultation on Beverage Container Deposit Scheme
Responses will be reviewed by a government-established working group that could help shape possible draft regulations.

New South Wales EPA Launches Public Consultation on Draft Waste and Resource Infrastructure Strategy
New processing organic waste and C&D waste processing facilities are recommended; new energy recovery facilities may also be added.

South African Environmental Ministry Takes Over Management of Tire Stewardship Program
The ministry's Waste Management Bureau assumes interim responsibility for the product stewardship scheme.

Chilean Municipal Transit System Participates in Beverage Container Reverse Vending Payment System
Commuters can pay for transportation using waste plastic bottles and beverage cans.

Protection of Waste Workers from Consumer Medical Sharps Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
The bill would amend the National Policy for Solid Waste to require public awareness campaigns.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Launches Mobile Website on Chemicals in Children's Lives
The website is the agency's latest "action plan for a toxic-free everyday environment" initiative.

September 2017:

Norwegian Government Amends Packaging Recycling Law to Add Extended Producer Responsibility Requirements
Packaging producers must now join a government-approved EPR organization.

Scottish First Minister Announces Go Ahead for a National Container Deposit Scheme
The government also will establish an advisory group on reducing waste and boosting the circular economy.

Indian CPCB Notifies 225 EEE Producers for Failure to Comply with E-Waste EPR Rules
The companies have yet to apply for authorization, the first regulatory compliance step.

UK Parliament Committee Re-Launches Inquiry into Disposable Coffee Cups and Plastic Bottle Waste
Public written submissions are again being accepted.

French Government Consults on Draft Regulation Addressing Reusable Parts from End-of-Life Vehicles
The regulation would distinguish reusable parts from waste for legal purposes.

A Second Bill to Reduce Food Waste Has Been Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives
Food waste prevention would be attained largely through food donations and recycling.

August 2017:

Governor of Puerto Rico Signs Law Creating an Advisory Committee on Recycling
The committee will conduct research and submit a report to the Legislative Assembly within 12 months.

Brazil Senado Environment Committee Approves Substitute Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Bill
The substitute bill would add lead-acid batteries to the list of products requiring EPR by the National Policy on Solid Waste.

EPA Victoria Implements New Policy to Prevent Fires at Resource Recovery Facilities
A 26-page guidance was prepared for facilities owners and operators to follow.

Reduction in Retail Distribution of Carrier Bags Continues in North Ireland Say Government Report
In 2016/17, 1.3 million fewer bags were distributed than during the previous fiscal year.

Latest Danish EPA Report Says Household Waste Recycling Up Six Percent in 2015
Landfill disposal remained low over the three-year reporting period, while incineration dipped 2%.

Kenya Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Unveils National Waste Management Bill
The measure provides a framework for future regulatory development.

Portuguese Government Launches Public Consultation on National Strategy for Combating Food Waste
The National Strategy includes an Action Plan with 14 measures and 14 progress indicators.

New South Wales EPA Proposes Minimum Environmental Standards for Scrap Metal Businesses
The standards address only eight areas of scrap metal operations.

Bill in Puerto Rico Senado Would Help Market Local Products Made from Recyclable Materials
Measures include developing a recycled products marketing plan and publishing a recycled products guide.

Mandatory Use of LED Lamps in Public Housing Development Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
LED lamps are more energy efficient and less toxic than some other types of lighting.

INTERPOL Inspections Uncover 1.5 Million Tons of Illegal Waste in One Month Operation
More than 10 thousand tons of illegal waste was discovered in the Netherlands alone.

July 2017:

Mexico City Municipal Waste Separation Standard Takes Effect
Waste will be separated into organic, inorganic recyclable, inorganic non-recyclable and special streams.

Catalonia Region of Spain Considers Implementing a Beverage Container Deposit Return System
An independent study supports the viability of applying a 10-cent deposit on containers of less than three liters.

Puerto Rican Senate Considers Bill to Ban Polystyrene Foam Food and Drink Containers at Food Establishments
Food establishments would have one year to exhaust their existing stock while switching to more recyclable containers.

Scottish EPA Study Finds an Average of 17% of Recyclables Sent to Scottish MRFs Are Contaminated
Contamination rates for individual recyclables suppliers ranged from no contamination to more than 40%.

UK Defra Takes Next Step toward Banning Microplastic Beads
After holding public consultation, Defra still expects manufacturing ban to begin on January 1, 2018.

G20 Nations Agree to Action Plan on Marine Litter
The plan includes seven general areas of emphasis.

Peruvian Government Consults on Draft Law on Integrated Solid Waste Management
The draft law incorporates the concept of a circular economy, the five-level waste management hierarchy, and extended producer responsibility to minimize waste disposal.

Puerto Rican Representantes Call for Camara Study of Current E-Waste Management Situation
The investigation seeks to determine if the current e-waste law is being properly followed.

Norwegian Environment Agency Proposes Beverage Container Deposit Increase
A public consultation is open until September.

Nordic Council of Ministers Outline Strategy to Cut Food Waste in Half
The Council also published a guidance document on food waste and date labeling.

Brazilian Senate Bill Would Require Warning Labels on Food and Cosmetics Containing Potentially Carcinogenic Ingredients
The labeling requirement could encourage manufacturers to switch to safer alternative ingredients.

Bill to Establish a Container Deposit Scheme and Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in Queensland Parliament
The two new initiatives would take effect next year.

European Parliament Endorses Improved Product Durability Resolution
Extending product lifespans should slow the rate of waste generation.

Brazilian Deputado Calls for Financial Incentives for Consumers to Recycle
Consumer would receive discounts from retailers to buy new products when they return end-of-life products.

Irish Environmental Minister Bans Fixed-Price Waste Charge Schemes
Waste collectors will need to begin providing brown bins for household food waste diversion.

European Food Safety Authority Publishes Bisphenol A Hazard Assessment Protocol
The draft protocol will be used as "a blueprint" for a new hazard assessment that starts next year.

June 2017:

London Waste and Recycling Board Releases Roadmap for a Circular Economy
The roadmap focuses on the built environment, food, textiles, electrical products and plastics.

Swedish EPA Issues Guidance on Recycling of Materials Containing Hazardous Substances
The intended audiences are recycling companies and support organizations.

Norwegian Food Industry Associations and Government Sign Voluntary Agreement to Reduce Food Waste
The agreement includes waste reduction targets and reporting and cooperation commitments.

New Zealand Launches Public Consultation on Draft Waste Tire Storage Regulations
Local authorities would be given power to require submission and grant approvals for storage sites.

Brazilian Deputado Proposes Price Reductions on Aging Food to Help Prevent Waste
Food stores that do not provide the discounts would face penalties under a consumer protection law.

European Chemicals Agency Adds Bisphenol-A to Its List of Substances of Very High Concern
A key ECHA committee also recommended further restricting the use of four common phthalates.

Singapore Government Launches Reduced Packaging Ecolabel
The NEA also provided more information on the upcoming mandatory reporting of packaging data and waste reduction plans.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Create a National Policy for the Disposal and Reconditioning of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Surplus and end-of-life federal government technology would be refurbished and reused by the public.

Product Stewardship of Coffee System Capsules Proposed in Brazilian Camara
Take back and recycling of the capsules would be required through an amendment to the National Policy on Solid Waste.

New South Wales Government Launches Public Consultations on Draft Strategies to Prevent Illegal Dumping and Littering
The Litter Prevention Strategy seeks to reduce litter by 40% by 2020.

Danish Government Advisory Board Releases 27 Recommendations for a Circular Economy
The report sets five objectives for 2030 including an 80% national recycling rate.

European Environment Agency Issues New Report on Developing a Circular Economy
The report cautions a systemic approach is needed rather than insular efforts by individual stakeholders.

May 2017:

Estonian Parliament Approves Plastic Bag Law
The new law brings Estonia into compliance with Directive (EU) 2015/720 on reducing plastic bag consumption

European Parliament Committee Resolution Calls for Action on Reducing Food Waste, Increasing Resource Efficiency
The resolution recommends 135 considerations to be made or actions to be taken by the European Commission, Member States and industry stakeholders.

French Government Approves New Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility Organization
The decision brings new competition to two other EPR organizations first approved by the government in the 1990s.

Municipal Collection of Waste Electronics, Batteries and Lamps Proposed in Brazilian Camara Bill
The proposed collection could accelerate slow-to-evolve extended producer responsibility programs.

Biodegradable Food Packaging Bill Being Considered in Colombian Congress
Among the billss provisions is a registry on the Ministry of Environment website of producers offering appropriate biodegradable food containers.

Brazilian Deputado Recommends Penalties for Ship Captains That Dump Plastic Waste in the Water
His bill would amend a law addressing marine navigation safety.

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Helps Launch National Anti-Littering Logo
The logo may be used by local governments and schools to show support in the fight against litter.

New Mandatory Norwegian Packaging EPR Regulation Expected to Take Effect on July 1
Packaging producers will need to register with a "return company" by January 1, 2018.

Nordic Council of Ministers Proposes International Program to Reduce Plastic Pollution
The program seeks to lay a foundation for future international initiatives and regulations.

DecaDBE and SCCPs Added to Annex A of Stockholm Convention Persistent Organic Pollutants List
Convention signatories must now work to eliminate the use of the two chemicals.

Bill Introduced in Brazil Camara Sets New Schedule for Municipalities to Comply with National Policy on Solid Waste
Municipalities would have two to five years to comply once the law is enacted.

Food Waste Reduction Bill Authored by Brazilian Deputado
The proposed law would feed the nation's hungry while diverting food waste from landfills.

Bill to Be Introduced in New South Wales Parliament Would Ban Waste Incineration Near Residential Areas
The proposed legislation follows concerns by state EPA and health officials about a possible new waste-to-energy facility.

April 2017:

UK Government Proposes Strategy to Combat Litter in England
The proposed initiatives that involve packaging directly are minimal and largely voluntary.

Single-Use Plastic Bag Distribution Fell 71% in the Netherlands since a National Ban on Free Distribution
A government-sponsored survey of retailers found most support the ban a year after it took effect.

Catalan Waste Agency Adopts Regulations to Support a Circular Economy
The regulations authorize government grants to businesses for specified types of projects.

Recommendations for Supporting a Circular Economy Discussed in Recent Swedish Parliament Report
Policy proposals for increasing product durability, reuse, and sharing are among the report's recommendations.

European Parliament Committee Approves Opinion for Adopting a Resolution on Greater Product Durability
The resolution would support efforts to increase product reuse, decrease waste, and help transition to a circular economy.

Japanese Recycling Rate Little Changed in 2016 Says Ministry of Environment
Municipal solid waste generation was also down.

March 2017:

UK House of Commons Committee to Investigate Environmental Damage from Disposable Beverage Packaging
The committee is concerned that plastic packaging rates are stagnating, not increasing.

Government of Hong Kong Says Waste Charging Scheme May Launch as Early as 2019
The scheme will include "two charging modes" depending on who hauls the waste.

Full European Parliament Approves 70% Waste Recycling/Reuse Target for the EU for 2030
The Parliament also agreed that no more than 5% of waste should be disposed in landfills.

Welsh Government Announces New Circular Economy Fund
However, the fund will not launch until 2019.

Philippine Senate Resolution Calls for Examination of Marine Plastic Waste
A Senate inquiry could lead to draft legislation.

Preferential Use of Road Pavement Containing Scrap Tire Rubber Outlined in Brazilian Camara Bill
Government solicitors would give the material preferential treatment in roadway construction and repaving bidding.

European Chemicals Agency Adds 22 Substances to List of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation
The additions bring the total list of chemicals to be evaluated over three years to 115.

February 2017:

Poland Adopts Mandatory Household Waste Separation Law
Polish municipalities will have five years to transition to a four colored bin scheme.

Spanish Government Issues Royal Decree to Require Fees on Plastic Carrier Bags
The fee amounts will vary based on the type of plastic and thickness.

Food Recycling Law Revised Standards and New Guidelines for Food Related Businesses
The guidelines seek to promote recycling of waste food while preventing illegal resale.

Food Waste Prevention Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The priority for managing uneaten food would be human consumption, then animal consumption, then composting.

European Chemicals Agency Says Recycled Rubber Turf Is Not a Significant Health Risk
An evaluation was conducted at the request of the European Commission.

Norwegian Environment Agency Seeks Projects to Combat Marine Litter
Thirty-five million kroner in grant funding is available this year.

Australian Government Consults on Draft Plan to Clean Up Marine Debris and Minimize Generation
Among the draft plan's proposed actions are limiting lost single-use plastic material and encouraging a circular economy.

Bill to Repeal Recently Enacted Puerto Rican Plastic Bag Law Introduced in the Camara
In place of the bag ban, in-store recycling would be mandated.

European Parliament Committee Publishes New Report on Proposed Updates to WEEE and Battery Directives
Many new provisions have been added to the rapporteur's previous draft report.

Swedish EPA Survey Indicates National Waste Plan and Waste Prevention Program May Need Revision
For many Swedish waste stakeholders, the documents "have not made any major impact" on achieving more efficient waste management, the survey finds.

Senate Plenary Vote on Brazilian National Landfill Fund Expected Soon
The final review committee approved the bill in a 3-1 vote.

New Zealand and Nordic Countries Consider Bans on Microplastic Beads
Both entities cite marine pollution and dangers to the human food chain as reasons to take regulatory action.

French Senate to Debate Resolution Addressing Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
The legislation calls for focusing on cumulative EDC exposures over a lifetime.

Brazilian Camara Bill Requires Manufacturers to Wash Uniforms of Workers Using Chemicals Harmful to the Environment
Deputado says home laundering allows harmful chemicals to be released into the environment.

January 2017:

Norwegian Environment Agency Proposes Mandatory Food and Plastic Waste Sorting
The agency says the requirement is needed to meet upcoming European Union household waste targets.

Bill Adopted in Estonian Parliament Will Ban Free Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Bags
The ban will take effect on December 31, 2018.

Danish EPA and Waste Association Launch Recycling Pictogram System
The colored-coded systems are expected to become ubiquitous in Denmark.

European Parliament Committee Calls for Resolution on EU Food Waste Reduction
The resolution would set a 50% food waste reduction target for 2030.

Bill in Puerto Rico Camara Would Give Government Purchasing Preference to Recycled Products
The preference would apply to recycled product made in Puerto Rico.

Scottish EPA Publishes Guidance on Product Reuse
The document helps unwanted product owners determine whether their products are subject to Scottish waste regulations.

United Kingdom Consults on Proposed Ban on Microplastic Beads
Consultation also seeks information on all other possible sources of marine plastic pollution.

Welsh Government Consults on Proposed Fly-Tipping Penalties
Alternatives to court trials proposed for smaller illegal waste dumping cases.

December 2016:

Indian CPCB Publishes Evaluation Forms and Procedures for EEE Producer EPR Authorizations
The document provides supporting details to the Indian E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

Queensland Government Consults on Possible Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban
Biodegradable plastic bags would also be banned.

Norwegian Environment Agency Recommends a Tax on Single-Use Plastic Bags
The proposed tax could be included in packaging waste law revisions already being developed.

Swedish Government Testing of Sample Consumer Electronics Found More Than One-Third Contained Restricted Substances above Legal Limits
About half the EEE products examined also had non-compliant labeling.

Cell Phone Product Stewardship Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
Collection points would be placed in supermarkets, shopping centers and indoor malls.

Bill Introduced in Welsh Assembly Would Update Landfill Disposal Taxes
All "taxable disposals," authorized or illegal, would be covered.

More Details of Developing Irish Product Stewardship Scheme for Waste Tires Emerge
The amount of the scheme's environmental management charge is still undetermined.

Reducing Cigarette Butt Litter Subject of Brazilian Camara Bill
The bill would require cigarettes contain only biodegradable material.

United Kingdom Consults on Four Packaging Materials Recycling Targets for 2018-2020
The targeted packaging materials are paper, steel, aluminum and wood.

New South Wales Launches Public Consultation on Draft Container Deposit Scheme Regulations
Beverage producers and used container collection points will need to submit applications and registration fees next July.

Hong Kong Government Announces Enforcement Actions for Plastic Bag Ordinance
One retailer was fined $5,000 for not charging customers for their plastic bags.

More Single-Use Plastic Bag Legislation Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives
One measure calls for a bag ban and the other a resolution leading to additional legislation.

Swedish EPA Is Finalizing Guidance on Waste Plastics from Electronics and Cars, PVC and Tires
Concern about hazardous substances contained in some recycled materials prompts agency action.

French Agency Publishes Opinion on Using Pricing Incentives to Reduce Waste Generation
Pricing incentives are already in use in 190 communities across France.

Brazilian Congress to Consider Prohibiting Use of Microplastic Beads
During a proposed phase out period, products containing microplastic beads would need to display a warning message.

November 2016:

Finnish Government and Industry Agree to Voluntary Reduction of Single-Use Plastic Bags
Retailers will be free to choose "self-regulatory instruments" to achieve the reduction.

Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in New South Wales Parliament
Biodegradable plastic bags would be permitted.

Danish Environmental Minister Proposes Financial Incentives to Boost ELV Recycling
Bill introduced in Danish Parliament would boost vehicle scrappage allowance.

Taiwan EPA Announces Proposed Waste Reduction Measures
Measures address plastic bag distribution and food waste reporting.

Ban on Non-Recyclable Food Containers Proposed in Philippine Congress
The ban would apply to several materials and might not be limited to carryout food packaging.

Some Members of Parliament Call for Container Deposit Scheme in UK
A scheme was recommended to reduce littering.

Tax Incentives for Recycling Companies Proposed in Brazilian Congress
Author of the legislation cites the lack of progress implementing the National Policy on Solid Waste.

New South Wales Parliament Approves Container Deposit Scheme
The CDS is expected to launch next July.

Philippine Congressional Resolution Calls for Study on Implementation Problems with National Solid Waste Management Act
Many provinces and municipalities still lack solid waste management programs or plans 15 years later says resolution sponsor.

New South Wales EPA Proposes Changes to C&D Waste Regulations
The draft regulations include new targets for waste sorting, recycling and disposal.

Danish Government Promotes Tools for Greener Data Centers
The "tools" calculate energy consumption and project total cost of ownership of equipment.

New Norwegian Environment Agency Publication Outlines Basic Plastic Manufacturing Environmental Requirements
The focus is on minimizing hazardous chemicals use and following hazardous waste management regulations.

October 2016:

French Senate Report Offers a Strategy for Managing Mobile Phone Waste
The report includes 27 proposals to improve phone eco-design and increase reuse and recycling.

Indian CPCB Publishes New Guidelines for E-Waste Management Rules
Guidelines include direction to producers for implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) requirements.

UK's Defra Launches Public Consultation on Possible 2016 WEEE Compliance Fee
Two competing fee calculation methodologies are under consideration.

In Battle against Marine Plastic Waste, France Proposes Bans on Cotton Swabs and Microbeads
Public consultations were opened on both proposals.

Philippine House Resolution Calls for Action on Non-Environmentally Acceptable Packaging
The resolution focuses on disposable plastic packaging and food service ware.

South Korea Announces Proposed Ban on Plastic Microbeads
The ban would take effect next summer.

Swiss Parliament Waives Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags
New agreement with retailers will allow disposable plastic bags distribution if a fee is charged consumers.

Norwegian Environmental Directorate Recommends Establishing Producer Responsibility for Packaging
Packaging producers and importers would be required to join a "returselskapet" approved by the Directorate.

Bill Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives Would Ban Disposal of E-Waste
Violators of the law could face jail time and fines.

Separation of Recyclable Materials in Schools Proposed by Brazilian Deputado
Author says separating waste materials would help educate students about the importance of recycling.

Six More Bills to Restrict Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives
The measures include a mix of in-store bag collection and recycling requirements, a phase-out of single-use plastic bags, taxes on single-use plastic bags, and a single-use plastic bag exchange scheme.

Swedish Government Identifies Key Actions in Its Sustainable Consumption Strategy
The elements to support the strategy were incorporated in the 2017 national budget.

September 2016:

Brazilian Deputado Calls for Mandatory Recycling in Federal Government and Other Buildings
Collected recyclable materials would be made available to recycling cooperatives and associations.

Bill Introduced in Philippine House of Representatives Would Phase-Out Single-Use Polyethylene Bags
Biodegradable plastic bags would replace polyethylene bags.

Tax Incentives for Green Seal Products Proposed in Brazilian Camara
Separate tax reductions would be available to consumers and producers

Voluntary Framework for Consistency in Residential Recycling Launched in England
Increased recyclability of packaging and consumer recycling education are two of the pillars of the framework.

LED Light Recycling to Start in Taiwan in 2017
The Taiwan EPA is also considering a ban on plastic microbeads.

South Australia EPA Cracks Down on Retailers Violating the State Container Deposit Scheme Law
Noncompliant beverage containers were seized from supermarkets.

Regulating Endocrine Disruptors and Nanomaterials among Priorities Identified by Danish Environmental Minister
The minister says he will push for new EU-wide efforts through the European Chemicals Agency.

South African Government Requires EEE, Lighting, and Packaging and Paper Producers to Prepare Industry Waste Management Plans
Producers must also register with the Department of Environmental Affairs in 30 days.

Western Australia Is Latest State to Announce a Container Deposit Scheme
The announcement brings to six the number of deposit schemes planned for or operating in Australia.

Bill Introduced in New South Wales Parliament Seeks to Deter Scrap Metal Theft
Scrap dealers would need to register with the police, and cash payments for scrap metal would be banned.

Federal Environment Agency Proposes Changes to German Packaging Ordinance
Among the proposed changes are increased materials recycling targets and a nation registry for packaging producers.

UK Parliament Committee Calls for Ban on Microplastic Beads
Committee would like to see a ban by the end of 2017.

Estonian Ministry of Environment Recommends Imposing a Fee on Single-Use Plastic Carrier Bags
Free bag distribution would end on January 1, 2019.

August 2016:

Draft French Decree Requires Disposable Food Service Ware to be Compostable
Traditional disposable plastic cups, glasses and plates will be banned.

Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in New South Wales Parliament
Biodegradable plastic bags that meet a required standard would be allowed.

Sao Paolo City Government Approves Bill Permitting Free Disposable Bags Again
The bill keeps in place a ban on single-use polyethylene bags.

Singapore Restricts Six Substances for use in EEE
The restrictions take effect in June 2017.

European Commission Committee Gathering Information on Possible Health Risks Associated with Light Emitting Diodes.
The study covers lighting, TVs, computer and cell phone screens and other products.

Defra Reports Six Billion Fewer Single-Use Plastic Bags Distributed during First Six Months of Mandatory Bag Charge
Much of the distribution reduction came from seven leading retail chains.

Queensland Environmental Minister Says State Container Deposit Scheme Will Launch in 2018
The Australian state is considering CDS co-administration with a planned New South Wales CDS.

Camara Bill Calls for Putting Recycling Bins in All Brazilian Schools
The bill seeks to both generate revenue from recovered material sales and encourage students to develop more sustainable lifestyles.

Irish EPA Concerned about Achieving Several Targets Set by EU Waste Directives
Targets for batteries and end-of-life-vehicles are at risk of being missed.

Hong Kong Launches Public Consultation on Consumption of Biological Resources
Input will be used to develop strategies to reduce consumption among consumers, businesses and the public sector.

Tax Incentives for Buying Energy-Efficient Lights Proposed in Brazilian Camara
A tax exemption would support at earlier decree that established a transition from incandescent bulbs.

July 2016

UK Parliament Committee Launches Call for Evidence on Food Waste
The government consultation follows the unveiling of a national Food Waste Action Plan by industry.

Singapore Government Plans to Mandate Sustainable Packaging
The requirements are expected to be in place in three to five years.

Western Australia Proposes Mandatory Waste and Recycling Recordkeeping
The Department of Environmental Regulation says voluntary recordkeeping has produced "an incomplete dataset."

Brazilian Deputado Wants to Add Commercial Waste Generator Amendment to National Policy on Solid Waste
Businesses and institutions generating waste in excess of set threshold would be subject to new requirements.

Brazilian Camara Bill Recommends Tax Incentives to Produce More Energy from Organic Waste
Imported equipment to recover biomass and solid waste would be made tax exempt.

European Commission Launches Stakeholder Consultation on End-of-Life Vehicle Directive Amendments
An online survey will gather input on six subjects.

June 2016:

European Council Issues Opinion on EU Circular Economy Action Plan
Extending product durability and enhancing green public procurement guidelines were among 27 points made by the Council.

Ireland Delays July Launch of Planned Pay by Weight Waste Charging Plan
Instead, a 12-month "transition period" will be implemented.

Czech Government Decides to Place Fee on Single-Use Plastic Bags
Retailers expected to begin charging bag fees in January 2018.

Hong Kong to Tighten Commercial Waste Cooking Oil Recycling Requirements
All restaurants, food factories, canteens and other food preparation businesses will be required to use only licensed waste oil collectors.

German Institute for Risk Assessment Concerned about Food Contamination by Microplastics
The European Food Safety Authority calls for standardized test methods to identify the presence of possible pollutants.

Container Deposit Scheme Announced for New South Wales
A ten-cent deposit will apply to containers from 150 mls. to 3 liters in volume.

Hong Kong Approves Bill Mandating EPR for Glass Containers
Hong Kong disposed 74,000 tons of glass containers in landfills in 2014.

Two Bills Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Distinguish Environmentally Friendly Companies and Products
Both bills would establish new regulated environmental labels or seals.

Norwegian Environment Agency Considers Requiring Packaging Producers to Finance Marine Litter Cleanup
Another recommendation is to establish EPR for some fishery and aquaculture industry products.

German Environment Agency Calls for EU-Wide Nanomaterials Registry
Seven other policy recommendations are included in a new nanomaterials report.

French Government Opens Public Consultation on Proposed Restrictions on Four Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Among the chemicals is terephthalic acid that is used to make PET.

UNEP Calls for Support of New International Food Waste Measurement Standard
The organization hopes the standard will bring consistency and accuracy in how food waste volumes and types are reported by various countries and states.

May 2016:

First Paint Stewardship Scheme Launched in Australia
Scheme is funded through a 15-cent per liter tax on covered products.

Bill in Brazilian Camara Seeks to Improve Enforcement of Battery Recycling Laws
Existing resolution adopted in 2008 is being ignored, says bill's sponsor

Nordic Council of Ministers Issues Statement on Marine Microplastics Efforts
The council said it supports international and regional regulatory frameworks to combat marine plastic litter and microplastics.

Litter Reduction Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
All printed marketing material distributed in public places would need to be biodegradable.

Japan Reports 2014 Data on Local Government Collection of Packaging for Recycling
Containers and Packaging Recycling Law may be revised.

Edinburgh Officials Attribute Increased Recycling Rates to Sophisticated Five Bin System
Municipal landfill disposal of waste fell to 10% in latest fiscal year.

April 2016:

French Government Bans Distribution of Single-Use Plastic Bags
Plastic bags produced with bio-based material will still be permitted.

Swedish EPA Recommends Charging SEK 5 Minimum for Single-Use Plastic Bags
The bag fee is proposed to meet a recent EU Directive requirement.

Indian Government Publishes Proposed Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
The rules include establishing extended producer responsibility programs for plastic bags and related packaging.

UK Government Consults on Clarity of Proposed Packaging Waste Regulations Revisions
The regulations concern producer responsibility organizations.

Draft Construction and Demolition Waste Rules Unveiled by Indian Government
The rules specify the responsibilities of generators, transporters, processors and governments; processing site criteria; and an implementation timeline.

Latest Eurostat Data Shows a Combined 44% Recycling and Composting Rate for the EU in 2014
Average per capita waste generation EU-wide was 475 kilograms.

March 2016:

Indian Government Proposes EPR Program for Waste Compact Fluorescent Lamps
A public consultation on the proposal is underway.

Taiwan Announces New Environmental Measures
Among them are tightened eligibility criteria for discounted recycling fees.

Danish EPA Issues Draft Revisions to RoHS Regulations
Regulation would transpose recent EU RoHS Directive restrictions on four phthalates.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Addresses "Greenwashing" in Product Marketing
Deputada cites a nearly 500% increase of unsubstantiated environment claims for products.

French Government Agency Calls on Manufacturers, Consumers and the European Commission to Extend the Useful Life of Products
Greater product longevity could offer benefits beyond simply diverting waste from landfills.

Japan Releases 2014 MSW Statistics
Solid waste generation continues to decrease.

2016 UK Government Budget Confirms Adjustments to Packaging Recycling Targets
Landfill tax rates are going up, too.

February 2016:

Brazilian Senate Bill Would Exempt from Some Taxes Products Made with Recycled Materials
Unrecycled plastic waste is identified by the bill's author as a major problem.

Scottish Government Announces New Circular Economy Fund
£70 million allocated to support SMEs in developing new technologies, business models and infrastructure.

Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in New South Wales Parliament
Four other Australian states and territories have single-use plastic bag laws.

Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags Proposed in Lithuanian Parliament
A bill prepared by Ministry of Environment was introduced in the Seimas.

New French Law Seeks to Prevent Food Waste
The measure supports the European Commission's proposed Circular Economy Package.

Brazilian Deputado Sponsors Resolution to Establish a National Do Not Waste Food Awareness Day
Brazil is one of the top ten food wasting nations in the world says resolution sponsor.

January 2016:

New South Wales Opens Public Consultation on Proposed Container Deposit Scheme
The scheme is expected to be operating by July 1, 2017.

French Environmental Minister Wants Planned Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban to Take Immediate Effect Voluntarily
A statutory ban was delayed by the European Commission in order to conduct a review.

Scottish Environment Secretary Releases Results from Proposed Container Deposit Scheme Public Consultation
However, the Government of Scotland wants to give the matter additional review before making a decision.

Waste and Recycling Measures Are Included in Brazilian Camara Sustainable Construction Bill
Building products should contain recycled content, be non-toxic, and demonstrate environmental superiority through life cycle anaylsis.

Brazilian Congress Approves Law Requiring Water Conservation Labeling on Cleaning Products
The law is a small step in addressing a new environmental challenge - a growing drinking water shortage.

Bill Introduced in the Philippine Senate Would Fund E-Waste Recycling Research and Demonstration Projects
However, no funding level is specified in the measure.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Proposes Ban on Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetic Products
The proposed ban would take effect on January 1, 2018.

New Scottish Regulation Seeks to Reduce Illegal Waste Tire Dumping and Facilitate Tire Material Recycling/Recovery
Certain exemptions on waste tire storage limits would be eliminated.

Danish Government-Organized Panel Issues Recommendations for Food Waste Recycling
Greater development of biodegradable products such as bioplastic food packaging is one of the recommendations.

European Parliament Environment Committee Offers Amendments to Energy Efficiency Labeling Proposal
Many of the amendments concern the energy classes displayed on the label, label rescaling, and database information exchange.

Lithuania Launches Public Information Campaign about Upcoming Container Deposit Scheme
The CDS takes effect on February 1.

December 2015:

Irish Government Consults on Proposed Resource Recovery Strategy
The consultation likely sets the foundation for a circular economy plan.

UK Government Department Issues Recommendations for Combatting Littering and Illegal Dumping
An environmental recovery charge is proposed for large appliances, furniture and other bulky items when replacements are delivered.

European Court Decision Expected to Accelerate Development of EU Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Restrictions
The decision places greater pressure on the European Commission to follow through on regulatory requirements.

Bill Introduced in Brazil Would Prohibit PET Packaging that Has No Recycling System in Place
Violations would be considered an environmental crime that could lead to imprisonment.

Switzerland Approves New Ordinance on the Limitation and Elimination of Waste
The new ordinance is presented as supportive of a circular economy.

Recycling in Residential and Commercial Buildings Would Be Established by Brazilian Camara Bill
Municipalities would be responsible for establishing source separated waste collections.

India Publishes Report on Status of Plastic Waste Management Efforts
Illegal plastic bag manufacturing and distribution remains a problem.

European Commission Proposes Circular Economy Package
The package includes significant changes to EU directives on waste, packaging waste, e-waste and three others.

United Kingdom Launches Public Consultation on Plastic and Glass Packaging Recycling Targets
Government proposes reducing plastic packaging recycling targets because less waste generation is now anticipated.

Packaging EPR Agreement Signed in Brazil
The agreement includes a goal to reduce packaging waste sent to landfills by 22%.

ACT Government Consults on Bill to Replace the Current Waste Minimization Act
The bill would establish a Waste Manager position having broad regulatory and enforcement authority.

Financial Incentive Proposed in Brazilian Camara to Boost Consumer WEEE Recycling
Suppliers would be responsible for providing consumers with the discounts.

Hong Kong Government Reports 2014 Waste Management Statistics
Ninety-eight percent of recovered materials were exported.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Recommends Restricting Chemical Emissions from Some Construction Materials
Proposed regulations would focus on flooring, wall and ceiling materials.

November 2015:

Spanish Cabinet Approves 2016-2022 Waste Management Plan
The plan focuses on 15 waste streams including packaging, electronics, batteries, tires, end-of-life vehicles and organics.

South Australia Finalizes New Five-Year Waste Strategy
The overall goal of the state remains to reduce waste to landfill by 35% by 2020.

Another Bill to Create a National Green Seal Was Introduced in the Brazilian Camara
The sponsor says the seal would encourage companies to recycle, reuse materials and reduce waste generation.

Indian Government Publishes Guidelines for Environmental Management of End-of-Life Vehicles
The document provides a roadmap for modernizing the Indian scrap vehicle processing industry.

Danish EPA Releases Report on Microplastics Pollution
However, the report makes no recommendations for new policy changes or laws

European Chemicals Agency Proposes to Restrict a Phthalate and 10 Other Substances
Public consultation opened.

Puerto Rico Bans Single-Use Plastic Bags
The ban is being implemented through an executive order by the governor.

Iceland Ministry of Environment Proposes Revisions to Waste Battery Regulations
Among other changes, battery producer and importer registration responsibility shifts to the Environment Agency.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Restricting Hazardous Substances in Textiles
The consultation includes 15 pages of proposed restricted substances.

United Kingdom Likely to Launch Consultation on Packaging EPR Regulation Changes
Task force may be created to see how packaging recycling improvements could boost overall household recycling.

Singapore May Impose Requirements on Producers to Reduce Packaging
Benchmarking data now being made to producers to voluntarily help reduce packaging weight.

October 2015:

Bolivian Government Approves Solid Waste Management Law
The law establishes extended producer responsibility and includes other provisions that will affect producers.

Brazilian Deputado Introduces Bill to Ban Polystyrene Foam Products from Landfills
The ban would apply not only to food packaging but all polystyrene foam products.

Swedish EPA Supports Phasing Out BPA in Food Contact Materials and Thermal Paper
Agency also says other bisphenols should not be used as substitutes for BPA.

Call for Research on Radiofrequency Exposure and Health Issued by French Occupational Health Agency
Research teams from around the world are invited to submit proposals.

Project Proposals Sought for New Zealand Waste Minimization Fund
Development of markets for end-of-life tires identified as a priority in latest funding round.

French Government Publishes Voluntary Guide to Reduce Restaurant Food Waste
Guide claims food prep establishments could reduce up to 50% of the food waste they generate.

Victorian Government Is Moving toward a Landfill Ban on E-Waste
A public consultation was opened for input in designing the ban.

Norway Approves Changes to Hazardous Waste Regulations
Included are new financial requirements for hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Require Environmentally Preferable Cleaning Products in Schools
The bill would also ban use of air fresheners.

South African Government Calls for Information on Certain Chemicals Being Produced and Imported
Companies asked to submit information by November 17.

Norway to Request Exemption to EU Plastic Bag Regulations
If approved, the exemption would be the first in the EU.

Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Bill Requiring Littering and Illegal Dumping Laws
Municipalities would be required to enact ordinances.

September 2015:

Food Waste Reduction Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The bill includes a landfill ban on all food still deemed edible by either humans or animals.

French Government Opens Call for Proposals to Support a Circular Economy
Candidate projects should focus on specific aspects of product eco-design, recycling, and remanufacturing.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Wants to Expand Regulation of PFAS
Proposed new regulations will be presented to the Swedish Government early next year.

Norway Consults on Draft Hazardous Waste Transport Regulations Changes
Regulations would transpose new elements of the EU Waste Framework Directive into Norwegian law.

Brazilian Senate Investigates Continued Operation of Prohibited Open Air Dumps
A Senate committee discusses possible new financial and other support for struggling municipalities.

Bill to Reduce Food Waste Introduced in UK Parliament
The measure includes a 30% food waste reduction target for supermarkets.

Chile Amends Electronic Waste Regulations
Ministerial resolution sets recycling targets for telecom equipment and consumer electronics.

Brazilian Camara Bill Addresses Hazardous Substances in E-Waste
The legislation would help Brazil comply with The Basel Convention requirements.

UK BIS Department Announces New WEEE Collecting Funding Scheme for Local Governments
£775,000 is available to help increase WEEE collection, re-use and recycling.

ECHA Proposes Adding Seven Substances of Very High Concern
Phthalate DCHP is among the seven proposed new SVHCs.

United Nations Publishes Global Waste Management Report
Developing countries are contributing more to our planet's growing waste volume.

August 2015:

Glass Container EPR Bill Introduced in Hong Kong Legislative Council
Producers without "container waste reduction plans" would pay recycling levies on their containers.

Taiwan EPA Makes Pre-Announcement of Waste Container Recycling Fee Rate Amendments
Six types of containers are covered by fees.

French Government Releases Draft Decree on Waste Management and the Circular Economy
Public consultation on the draft decree was launched by the Ministry of Ecology.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Push Back Deadline for Closing Open Air Dumps
The measure would amend the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Brazilian Senate Adopts Sustainable Logistics Management Plan
The plan is internal, applying to Senate facilities, procurement and staff.

United Nations Environment Programme Releases Sustainable Consumption and Production Goals
A newly released UNEP document calls for substantially reducing waste generation by 2030.

Scottish Government Launches Consultation on Extending the Useful Life of Products
The proposal is presented as an important element in creating a more circular economy.

Danish Ministry Issues Advisory on Use of Perfluorinated Compounds in Food Packaging
Advisory applies to PFCs in some paper and cardboard material.

Single-Use Carrier Bag Distribution Rises in Northern Ireland Despite Bag Tax
But distribution remains well below the 2013 baseline.

Brazilian Senate Holds Hearing on Recycling Tax Incentives Bill
The bill would provide financial support for parts of the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Portuguese Environment Agency Extends License for National Drug and Drug Packaging Compliance Organization
License extension includes a new 20% drug packaging waste recycling target.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Mandate Switch to Energy-Efficient LED Lamps
The mandate would apply only to public buildings.

July 2015:

Defra Publishes Single Use Carrier Bag Charges Order and Policy Paper
English retailers with 250 or more employees must charge for their bags starting in October.

Danish EPA Launches Consultation on Draft Changes to Beverage Container Deposit Regulations
Several of the changes would benefit the Dansk Retursystem compliance scheme.

New Zealand Government Announces National In-Store Plastics Recycling Initiative
Grants totaling $1.2 million allocated to launch trial program.

Waste Electronics and Batteries EPR Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara
The proposed law would augment the National Policy on Solid Waste of 2010.

Australian Environmental Ministers Endorse Stewardship of Waste Paint and Batteries
Fifteen percent national e-waste recycling target increase welcomed.

South Australia Consults on Draft Bill to Update State Litter and Illegal Dumping Laws
The proposed penalties for violators would be the toughest in the Commonwealth.

European Parliament Approves Resolution to Transition to Circular Economy
The resolution recommends setting binding waste-reduction targets and revamping ecodesign laws, among other legislative actions.

Four Phthalates Added to EU RoHS Directive Restricted Use List
Effective 2019, the chemicals will be restricted in electrical and electronic equipment.

UK Resource Management Minister Endorses Plastics Recycling Plan from Industry
Plan outlines actions governments and other stakeholders should take to increase recycling.

Australian Department of Environment to Consider Two Product Classes for New Stewardship Schemes
Architectural paint and batteries are again up for consideration.

Brazilian Deputado Calls for Ban on Polystyrene Foam Food Packaging
Violators could face fines, seizure of packaging and loss of business license.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Would Ban Waste Incineration Nationally
Waste incineration is increasing at the expense of increased recycling.

Japanese Environmental Ministry Announces 2014 Home Appliance Recycling Results
Ministry also Releases Solar Photovoltaic Generation Equipment Recycling Report

2014 Beverage Container Recycling Rates Released by Norwegian Environment Agency
Six container return systems will again be exempted from paying the national environmental tax.

June 2015:

European Commission Consults on EU Waste Market Problems
The Commission is concerned that some regulations may be impeding the efficient functioning of waste markets.

ECHA Committee Calls for Restricting BPA-Containing Thermal Printing Paper
The same committee recommended restricting use of the flame retardant decaDBE.

French Government Agency Consults on Findings on Dangers of Radiofrequency Exposure to Children
The "pre-final" report comes after more than 10 years of investigation.

Bill to Create Toxic Packaging Prevention Act Introduced in Philippine Senate
Restrictions would be placed on the use of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium.

Icelandic Ministry of Environment Consults on End-of-Waste Criteria Regulation
Regulation seeks to increase materials recovery without increasing environmental harm.

Swedish EPA Endorses Special Tax on Some Products Containing Hazardous Chemicals
Proposal focuses on electronics with certain flame retardants and PVC home interior materials.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Developing a Circular Economy
The consultation covers production, consumption, recycled materials markets and individual business sectors.

Chilean Extended Producer Responsibility Bill Nears Passage
Packaging, electronics, batteries, tires and drugs are among nine priority product categories.

Scottish Government Considers Establishing a Container Deposit Scheme
Call for evidence opened with release of government-sponsored feasibility study.

Denmark Announces Container Deposit Scheme Agreement with Two German States
The agreement will take effect in 2018.

Bill in Brazilian Camara Would Establish a National Environmental Seal
Products displaying the seal would need to meet specifications to be developed by the government.

Brazilian Deputado Proposes Placing E-Waste Collection Bins in Schools
The proposal could boost national recovery of precious metals while supporting student environmental education.

May 2015:

Icelandic Environment Ministry Releases Recommendations for Reducing Food Waste
Many of the 13 recommendations focus on education and improved communication.

Argentina Launches Program to Transition Consumers to More Energy Efficient Appliances
Boost in recycling of scrapped "white goods" expected.

Product Reuse Could Increase under Bill in Brazilian Camara
Producers would be required to offer repair parts long after products cease being made.

Bill to Manage Medical Waste Introduced in Philippine Senate
Proposed regulations would cover medical waste generators, transporters and storage and disposal facilities.

Bill to Regulate Management of Construction Waste Introduced in Brazilian Camara
Proposal would establish a new extended producer responsibility program.

UK Local Government Association Calls for Producers to Increase Funding for EU Resource Recovery
Producers should pay for at least 50% of waste collection and disposal costs by 2030.

Poland and Slovenia Face Fines over Failure to Transpose Recast EU WEEE Directive
The deadline to do so was February 14, 2014.

April 2015:

Bill in Brazilian Camara Would Ban Recycled Paper from Use in Food Packaging
Concern is raised about sanitation issues with the paper waste stream.

EFSA Approves Three PET Recycling Processes for Use in Food Contact Applications
The rPET could be used to make thermoformed trays and containers and, in one instance, bottles.

European Parliament Committee Discusses Draft Report on EU Resource Efficiency and a Circular Economy
Recommendations in report range from "urban mining" of existing landfills to expanding the scope of the EU Eco-Design Directive.

New UK Law Prohibits Local Governments from Charging Consumers for Dropping Off Household Waste and Recyclables
However, for some local governments the prohibition does not take effect until 2020.

South Australia EPA Publishes Report on Recent Government-Industry Waste Summit
Public comment period opened on recommendations contained in the report.

New Portuguese National Waste Management Plan Takes Effect
Plan transposes requirements of the EU Waste Framework Directive.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Eliminate Energy Inefficient Lamps
Some fluorescent lamps would be eliminated by LEDs.

March 2015

Electronics EPR Bill Introduced in Hong Kong Legislative Council
General responsibilities of producers, retailers and e-waste collectors outlined.

Danish Ministry of Environment Publishes New Waste Prevention Strategy Draft
The draft strategy focuses on food, construction, textiles, electronics and packaging.

Dutch Ministry of Environment and Waste Industry Associations Sign Waste Recovery Agreement
The Ministry also launched a website to help local governments increase household waste recycling.

European Parliament Committee Releases New Draft Recommendations on EU Plastic Bag Regulations
Member States could implement either a fee or tax or achieve per capita bag consumption limits.

Portuguese Plastic Bag Tax Takes Effect
Ministry of Environment publishes FAQ document to help businesses better understand the new law.

French Government Agency Concerned about Migration of Chemicals in Heated PP Food Packaging
Recommendations made to consumers on how to minimize chemical migration risks.

February 2015:

Singapore Publishes Draft RoHS Regulations
Substance restrictions would apply to only six types of EEE products.

Public Consultation Opened for Revisions to Japanese Home Appliance Recycling Law Enforcement Ordinance
Recycling rate targets to increase for 4 of 5 product categories.

Norwegian Government Proposes Tax on Plastic and Paper Bags
Public consultation was opened on proposal.

Use of Biodegradable Bags Would Be Phased In Under Philippine Senate Bill
The bill also mandates a fee for plastic bags and their in-store collection and recycling.

Lithuania Publishes Draft Revised Packaging Waste Recycling Targets
Some recycling rates would steadily increase from 2016 through 2020 to meet EU requirements.

Japan Ministry of the Environment Releases 2013 Municipal Solid Waste Management Statistics
Waste generation decreased slightly from a year earlier.

January 2015:

Australian Government Report Indicates National TV and Computer Recycling Scheme Is Exceeding Expectations
However, 10 possible changes to the scheme are included in the report.

Sao Paolo Plastic Bag Ordinance Takes Effect on February 5
Only sugar cane-based bioplastic bags will be permitted.

European Food Safety Authority Says No Apparent Health Risk from Current BPA Daily Intake Level
ESFA panel publishes long-awaiting report.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Restrict Heavy Metals Levels in Packaging
Packaging producers would also need to provide certificates of compliance to purchasers.

Swedish Government Approves Toxic-Free Living Action Plan
Plan seeks to reduce hazardous chemicals risks and phase out and restrict the most dangerous chemicals.

Draft Waste Prevention Plan Released by Icelandic Ministry of Environment
Food, plastic, textiles, paper, construction material, electronics and beverage packaging among waste streams targeted.

Welsh Government Issues Guidance on Separate Collections of Recyclables
Comingled and separate bin collections are options for local governments.

Brazilian Camara Bill Seeks to Establish Product Stewardship for Pharmaceuticals
Pharmacies would provide in-store take back containers.

Swiss Government Announces Extension of Nanomaterials Action Plan
More work needed on nanomaterials registration, risk evaluation methods and developing a regulatory framework.

Ban on Non-Biodegradable Diapers Proposed in Brazil
Camara bill would provide a lengthy transition period for producers.

French Senate Resolution Offers Recommendations for Improving EU Waste Regulations
Allowing for differentiated waste and recycling targets among EU Member States suggested.

December 2014:

French Ministerial Draft Decree Requires Local Waste Prevention Programs
Local commissions would develop and implement programs and submit reports to the Ministry of Ecology.

Western Australia Proposes Changes to its Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act
Reforms proposed to increase recycling and deter landfill disposal.

An Unusual Type of Plastic Bag Law Proposed in Curitiba
A government bill would set specifications for plastic bags to facilitate recycling.

European Food Waste Reduction Charter Proposed by Italian Environmental Minister
Charter includes 11 voluntary measures that nations are encouraged to adopt.

Small Changes May Be Coming to Japanese Appliance Recycling Law
The Ministry of Environment releases results from a public comment period.

Swiss Government Report Examines Issues in Extending Product Lifecycles
While recommendations are made no new regulations are proposed.

November 2014:

European Council of Ministers Announces Position on Single-Use Plastic Bags Regulations
Member States would either set reduction targets or implement bag fees/taxes.

Brazilian Lamp Producers Sign EPR Agreement with Ministry of Environment
Agreement includes a R$ 0.40 eco-fee on covered lamps.

Resolution in Dutch Parliament Calls for Action Plan to Collect Waste Pharmaceuticals
Sponsors argue the plan would help prevent drugs from contaminating waterways.

Hong Kong Government Moves Forward with Pay-As-You-Throw Household Waste Plan
Implementation will be phased in over a three-year period.

Defra Launches Consultation on Barriers to Reuse of Products
Defining some used products as waste may be leading to regulatory barriers.

Australia's Northern Territory Releases Draft Waste Management Strategy
The strategy calls for increased education on waste reduction, improvements to infrastructure and support for recyclables marketing.

Latest Eurostat Data Shows Traded Recyclables Volumes Up But Prices Down
By percentage, recycled glass fell the most.

EFSA Group Meets to Discuss Safety of Non-Plastic Food Contact Materials
Two more processes for recycling PET for food contact applications approved.

First Two Companies Certified Using Singapore E-Waste Management Standard
Voluntary standard was co-developed by the National Environment Agency

France Rolls Out New Plan to Reduce Waste Reduction and Boost Recycling
Local government efforts seen as vital for successful implementation.

October 2014:

French National Assembly Resolution Addresses Planned Obsolescence of Products
Most product warranties would be extended to five years and penalties assessed for violations.

UK Parliament Report Calls for Defra to be More Active in English Waste Management
Limited availability of waste treatment capacity and export of refuse derived fuel are two of the concerns raised in the report.

European Commission Publishes Proposed End-of-Waste Criteria for Plastic
The Commission will discuss the proposals with industry members and other stakeholders.

Czech Republic Approves National Waste Prevention Plan
Plan contains mostly educational components, but new financial incentives to reduce waste generation will be evaluated.

First Nanomaterial Appears on ECHA's Latest CoRAP List
Several common brominated flame retardants also added.

European Commission Launches Consultation on Safety of DEHP-Containing PVC Medical Devices
Higher at risk patients identified in committee opinion.

French National Assembly Votes to Ban Disposable Plastic Bags and Food Service Ware
The same bill includes public procurement targets for recycled paper products.

Brazilian Government May Extend Deadline for Cities to Comply with National Policy on Solid Waste
The Senate is likely to approve a deadline extension to August 2018.

Northern Ireland Publishes Waste Prevention Program Document
The program is built around 13 actions, many of which are already underway.

UK DCLG Issues Waste Policy Planning Guidance for Local Governments
Local waste plans should integrate the five-level waste hierarchy.

Plan to Reduce Food and Food Packaging Waste Launched in Wales
The plan is one of seven sector plans supporting the Welsh zero waste strategy.

Return Rates Improving for Northern Territory's Container Deposit Scheme
Aluminum can return rate was the highest at 63.9%.

Parisians Approve Mobile Recycling Stations Proposal
The stations will roll out in 2015.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Consultation focuses on establishing a definition and level of regulation.

Consultation Launched on Changes to Swiss Law on Risk Reduction in Chemical Products
Mercury- and POP-containing products among those targeted for prohibition or restriction.

September 2014:

Report Calls Recent EU Waste Shipment Regulatory Enforcement "Very Successful"
Future inspections of wood, paper, card, metals and plastics and other dry recyclables recommended.

Second Bill to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags Introduced in Philippine Senate
A five-peso levy would be assessed for each recyclable paper and biodegradable plastic bag distributed.

Draft French Environmental Health Plan Addresses Exposure to EDCs, Nanomaterials and other Substances
The plan is expected to be approved in December.

OECD Launches Online Knowledge Center on Toxic Chemicals Pathways
Industries, governments and academia invited to contribute to initial wiki.

Brazil Seeks Comments on Draft Packaging and Fluorescent Lamps EPR Agreements
The agreements are among six authorized by the 2010 National Policy on Solid Waste.

Irish EPA Releases Public Sector Green Procurement Guidance
Guidance covers IT equipment, paper, cleaning products and five other categories.

Swedish EPA Proposes 23 Measures to Promote Sustainable Consumption
Making products more durable, removing hazardous chemicals and developing a national LCA database are a few of the measures proposed.

Bulgaria Releases Draft National Waste Plan
Plan includes a separate waste prevention program.

Swiss FOEN Satisfied With Beverage Container Recycling Performance
The latest data includes a 94% overall container recycling rate; beverage container LCA published.

Colombian Decree Establishes Requirements for Environmental Marketing Claims
Decree sets six broad requirements; specifications still being finalized.

France Approves New National Waste Prevention Plan
Plan includes a seven percent reduction in household waste by 2020.

Brazilian Waste Management Bill Would Provide Financial and Logistical Support to Municipalities
Amendments to the National Policy on Solid Waste proposed.

Public Comment Periods Held for Japanese Recycling Law Reviews
Reviews address packaging, food and home appliance recycling.

Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection and Supermarkets Sign Reusable Bag Agreement
Supermarkets will provide NIS 80 million to fund national reusable bag distribution.

ECHA Launches Public Consultation to Restrict Use of 22 More Chemicals
Seven more phthalates are among the chemicals recommended for authorization.

August 2014:

Environmental Ministry Recommends Changes to Administration of New Zealand's Landfill Tax
Landfill disposal has not decreased since 2011, so the tax application may be broadened.

Chilean Camara Close to Approving National EPR Law
Nine product categories, including electronics, batteries, packaging and pharmaceuticals, are given priority status.

New Attempt to Ban Single-Use Bags Introduced in Philippine Senate
The new bill is an modified version of failed earlier legislation.

UK Launches Consultation on Transposing Revised EU Batteries Directive
Two types of batteries will be added to the existing banned listed.

European Commission Opens Consultation on Nanomaterials Health Risks Guidance
The guidance focuses on nanomaterials in medical devices.

July 2014:

Product Categories for Possible New EPR Programs Identified in Irish Government Report
The categories were included in a performance review of existing Irish EPR programs.

French Senate Resolution Calls for Changes to Proposed EU Plastic Bag Regulations
Among the changes is reducing the minimum thickness for reusable plastic bags.

Switzerland Begins Revision of National Waste Management Law
Bio-waste and construction and demolition waste would be newly covered streams.

France Launches Public Consultation on Updated WEEE Compliance Organization Requirements
Ministry says proposed changes will help France meet recast EU WEEE Directive targets.

Danish Government Rescinds Scheduled Ban on Four Common Phthalates
The start of the problematic ban had already been delayed.

June 2014:

Denmark Issues Executive Order Requiring Nanomaterials Registration
The requirement applies to domestically produced and imported products

European Commission Says Public Consultation on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Just Days Away
French and Swedish environmental ministers lead call for prompt Commission action.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Publishes Interim Report on Products Containing Phthalates
Report published in advance of anticipated government mandated phase-out of many phthalates.

New Scottish Litter Reduction Strategy Calls for Packaging Design Improvements
Reusable containers and packaging from sustainable sources among the initiatives to be advanced.

Chilean Camara Approves Plastic Bag Ban in Patagonia
The bill was sent to the Senate where passage appears likely.

Updated E-Waste Regulations Proposed by Norwegian Environmental Minister
The draft regulations transpose the recast EU WEEE Directive but also add other provisions.

Polystyrene Foam Food Packaging Ban Proposed in Philippine House of Representatives
Some local jurisdictions already have adopted local bans.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Camara Mandates Recycled Content in Building Materials
Sponsor of bill says growing volume of construction and demolition waste is harming the environment.

French Assembly Resolution Criticizes European Commission Decisions on Two Endocrine Disruptors
Resolution calls on other EU Member States to disagree with the Commission decisions.

Israeli Environmental Minister Says Fees Will Soon Be Charged for Single-Use Plastic Bags
Minister claims 70% of the population supports the end of free plastic bags.

May 2014:

France Ministry Approves Textile Stewardship Plan for Next Six Years
The plan sets a new goal to collect 50% of used and end-of-life textile products by 2019.

Estonian Parliament Takes Up Draft National Waste Plan
Plan sets a 50% national recycling rate target for 2020.

New Zealand Considers Product Stewardship for EEE, Tires and Other Products
A public consultation was launched on proposals contained in a government discussion paper.

Scottish Parliament Nears Finalization of Carrier Bag Regulations
Zero Waste Scotland offers advice to retailers on compliance.

Philippine Senate Resolution Signals Possible Changes to Solid Waste Management Act
The resolution's sponsor says the country could be facing "a garbage crisis."

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Nanomaterials Information Transparency
Five options for making more information available to the public are being considered.

Czech Republic Publishes Draft Waste Management Plan
The 10-year plan incorporates EU Waste Framework Directive and other EU regulatory requirements.

Portugal Transposes Recast EU WEEE Directive into National Law
New law largely sticks to requirements called for by the European Union.

Australian Government Releases Latest Progress Report on National Waste Policy Implementation
The report highlights progress on 16 strategies from expanding product stewardship to reducing hazardous substances in products.

Local UK Governments Are Not Confident 2020 National Recycling Targets Will Be Met
Advisory committee says more national emphasis should be placed on waste prevention and recovery as energy

European Commission Launches Public Consultation to Possibly Revise EU Ecolabel Scheme
The consultation is the first step in a scheduled review of the authorizing regulation.

France Unveils Strategy to Reduce Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Strategy pulls European Commission toward advancing EU regulatory measures.

German Federal Cabinet Approves Changes to Packaging Ordinance
The changes will close loopholes that some producers have used to avoid fully funding packaging recovery obligations.

Wales Publishes Draft Guidance on Mandatory Separation of Four Recyclable Materials
The guidance focuses on commingled versus separately collected waste streams.

Japan Publishes 2012 Municipal Solid Waste Data
Total municipal solid waste decreased marginally from a year earlier.

Danish EPA Releases Report on Two Possible Methods to Boost Small WEEE Recycling
Report analyzes possible consumer reward system and producer fee differential based on treatment costs.

April 2014:

Full European Parliament Approves Phase Out of Single-Use Plastic Bags
Proposal passes with broad support.

European Commission Publishes Guidance on Interpreting Recast EU WEEE Directive
Guidance answers 52 frequently asked questions.

Ten-Year Waste Reduction Strategy Proposed for Queensland
The strategy seeks to optimize the economic benefits from reuse, recovery and recycling among other objectives.

New South Wales Consults on Update of Waste Act
However, no changes to current packaging recycling regulations are proposed.

New Government Sustainable Practices Seal Introduced by Brazilian Environmental Ministry
The seal recognizes three achievement levels.

Draft Resolution Introduced in French National Assembly Proposes Tax Cut on Waste Services
Sponsor of measure says it will help stimulate the transition to a circular economy.

Danish EPA Consults on 11 More Management Plans for Undesirable Chemicals in Products
The latest group of chemicals includes numerous phthalates and brominated flame retardants.

Estonia Approves Updated E-Waste Law
New law contains a provision to boost small WEEE recycling rate.

New Portuguese Regulation Establishes Waste Digital Media Collection Program
The Portuguese Environment Agency is responsible for the voluntary program.

Victorian Parliament Approves New Framework for Waste and Resource Recovery
Groups of local governments given responsibility for improving recovery rates.

Hong Kong Government Launches Pay-As-You-Throw Trial Program
The six-month trial will use 10,000 households.

City of Sao Paolo Begins New Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan
Landfill disposal expected to be reduced by 78% over the next 20 years.

UK Parliament Committee Concerned About English Waste Management Strategy
A consultation was launched on whether Defra's strategy will produce the needed results.

March 2014:

United Kingdom Lowers Glass Packaging Recycling Target
However, the target remains above the minimum set for EU Member States.

Norwegian Government Agency Proposes Changes to Container Recycling Regulations
Changes are expected to increase the recycling rate and "level the playing field" among beverage producers.

French Government Launches Public Consultation on Draft Waste Tire Law Revisions
Revisions incorporate some elements from various EU Directives approved during the past 12 years.

Efficient Use of Resources A Key Element in Draft French Sustainability Strategy
Public consultation launched on the strategy's recommendations.

ECHA Committee Raises Risk Category for Bisphenol A
The action follows a public consultation by the European Food Safety Authority on the chemical’s human health risks.

Government Says New Australian Electronics Stewardship Scheme Effectively Met Its First Collection Targets
However, higher collection targets are set for the current fiscal year.

Swedish Parliament Begins Investigation of BPA Use in Food Packaging and Medical Devices
Report with possible legislative proposals due by end of this year

Revisions Made to Taiwan Recycling and Waste Management Requirements
Changes include product recycling fees.

UK Parliament Committee Recommends Department of BIS, Not Defra, Manage the Emerging Waste-Based Economy
Defra is not focused on the economic benefits of waste, says report.

Bill Introduced in Brazilian Senado Would Encourage Recycling Through Product Tax Exemptions
The Senado bill is more generous than a Camara bill introduced last December.

2012 EU Municipal Solid Waste Data Released
Waste generation, landfill disposal and recovery as energy all down from a year earlier.

UK Government Concerned About Waste Diverted for Energy Recovery
Consultation launched on whether incineration is harming national recycling efforts.

Government Releases Discussion Paper on Possible Australian Battery Stewardship Scheme
The proposed scheme would cover most batteries that weigh less than five kilograms

EU Member States to Start Monitoring Brominated Flame Retardant Levels in Food
Action requested by the European Commission on behalf of EFSA.

European Parliament Committee Approves Use of Biodegradable and Compostable Bags
Approved draft report allows a variety of "economic instruments" to reduce plastic bag consumption in the EU.

New Danish WEEE Law Takes Effect
2015 recovery targets range from 85% to 75%, depending on the WEEE category.

Scottish EPA Finds Early Compliance with New Waste Regulations Encouraging
Initial waste inspections find a 74% compliance rate.

February 2014:

European Food Safety Authority Schedules Public Meeting on BPA Risks Consultation
The public consultation closes on March 13.

German Environment Agency Supports Expanding Recycling Tax on Plastic Bags
Biodegradable plastic not an alternative to traditional polymers, says agency executive.

Spain to Revise National Integrated Waste Plan
The revisions will bring Spain into compliance with EU Directive requirements.

New Croatian Waste Management Law Takes Effect
The law sets new requirements for waste management facilities permitting and operation.

Proposed Lithuanian Container Deposit Scheme Expansion Sent to Parliament
Amount of the deposit still not decided.

Latest EPR Plan in Parana Transcends Product Categories
Plan is different from those being implemented in other Brazilian states.

European Commission Says Only Ten EU Member States Have Waste Prevention Plans
All Member States were required to have them in place by December 13.

Colombian Government Issues Decree on Medical Waste Management
Decree outlines responsibilities of waste generators, transporters, disposal facilities and local health officials.

Indian Government Agency Publishes Report on Impact of Plastic Waste Disposal
Study shows leaching of heavy metals and phthalates is a problem.

Philippine Senate Resolution Calls for Investigation of Mislabeled Imported Waste
The resolution follows an incident where cargo containers labeled as plastic scrap contained garbage.

Hong Kong Government Unveils Plan to Divert Organic Waste from Landfills
Eight-year plan includes the construction of six organic waste treatment facilities.

France Consults on Using Wood Packaging for Energy Recovery
Proposed regulation would help prevent hazardous substances from entering fuel stock.

Scottish Government Announces New Fund for Recycling Infrastructure Improvements
Businesses with ideas to improve waste sorting, repairing/reuse and remanufacturing sought.

Switzerland Moving Forward with Resource Efficiency Plan
Federal Council plans to "reduce the environmental impact of products from production to consumption" as needed.

New Materials Recovery Facilities Regulations Introduced in UK Parliament
MRFs will need to sample and keep records of input materials and output materials.

Another Tax Credit for Recycled PET Use Proposed in Brazilian Camara
This credit would benefit small recycling businesses and waste picker cooperatives.

EC Committee Recommends Changes to Proposed EU Plastic Carrier Bags Regulations
Among the changes, separate deadlines for reducing lightweight plastic bags and very lightweight plastic bags.

Compliance Scheme for Waste Photovoltaic Modules Formed in France
Scheme announced as France finalizes revised WEEE regulations.

Australian Government Highlights Progress in Green Packaging Procurement and Recycling
Eighty-nine percent of government agencies report implementing sustainable packaging guidelines to some degree.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Possible News RoHS Restrictions
Several phthalates and flame retardants are among the 23 substances being considered for restriction in EEE.

Denmark EPA Offers Recommendations for Recovering Unaccounted WEEE
A new agency report claims up to 20% of Danish WEEE falls into "complementary streams."

National Tire Stewardship Scheme Launches in Australia
No waste tire collection targets included in initial five-year program.

Proposed English Plastic Bag Law Too Complex Says Parliament Committee
Proposed exemption by Defra for biodegradable bags could "undermine the reduction in bag use."

Proposed Brazilian Law Would Require Health Warning Messages on Mobile Phone Packaging
The bill addresses a possible link between electromagnetic radiation and cancer.

January 2014:

Knesset Approves Israeli E-Waste and Battery Recycling Law
New extended producer responsibility measure goes into effect on March 1.

State of Sao Paolo Opens Public Consultation on Solid Waste Plan
EPR programs will plan a major role in diverting consumer waste from landfills.

Dutch Environmental Secretary Unveils Eight-Point Plan to Achieve Circular Economy
Improved ecodesign of products, increased recycling and new supply chain initiatives among the recommendations.

New Packaging Fees Take Effect In Poland
The fees help cover packaging recycling costs.

Korea Issues Revised Standards for Use of Chemically Recycled PET and PEN in Food Contact Application
The revised standards are now in effect.

French Government Provides Major Funding For Scrap Tire R&D Projects
Alternatives to crumb rubber production and energy recovery being evaluated.

Danish EPA Releases Strategy to Recover Critical Resources from E-Waste
An alliance with targeted businesses is proposed to facilitate the recovery.

Croatian Publishes Draft WEEE Law and Opens Public Consultation
EEE producers would have new responsibilities for their end-of-life products.

Pesticide Packaging EPR Resolution Issued by Colombian Government
Pesticide producers and importers would need to recover 75% of their products and packaging by 2019.

Lithuanian Ministry of Environment Submits Proposed Container Deposit Scheme Changes to Parliament
Ministry claimed support for the changes in a recent public consultation.

European Parliament Committee Approves Plan to Increase Waste Shipment Inspections
Inspectors would also be given greater authority to conduct operations.

Brazilian Senate Investigates Lack of Progress on National Waste Policy Implementation
Only nine percent of municipalities have prepared the required solid waste management plans.

European Parliament Approves Resolution to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Environment
The resolution calls for binding recycling targets and a ban on "the most dangerous plastics," among other actions.

European Food Safety Authority Launches Public Consultation On BPA Public Health Risks
New draft opinion recommends lowering the tolerable daily intake for the chemical.

Bill Introduced In French Assembly Would Ban Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics
Contamination of plastic recycling streams and a lack of an environmental technical standard were two of the reasons cited for the proposed ban.

Brazilian State Environmental Agency Issues Call For Proposals For Tire EPR Program
The program would need to accept and process all tires weighing 2 kilograms or more

Western Australia Becomes Latest State to Try a Three-Bin Curbside Recycling Scheme
Local governments invited to apply for $7.5 million in funding for trial program.

France Publishes Draft Waste Prevention Plan
Seven percent overall waste reduction goal set for 2020.

European Parliament Committee Finalizing Recommendations On Reducing Plastic Bag Consumption
The report calls also for eliminating substances that are endocrine disrupting, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and toxic to reproduction in all types of packaging.

Revised Polish Packaging And Packaging Waste Law Begins To Take Effect
Registration requirements for producers and mandatory public awareness campaign funding among the many changes.

United Kingdom Considers Revising Glass Container Recycling Target For Businesses
A public consultation on options is open through January 17.

Finland Launches National Chemicals Communications Plan
Plan seeks to better educate consumers and ease fears they may have.

Hong Kong EPD Reports on Public Consultation Results For Proposed Glass Bottle RPS Scheme
A landfill ban on bottles to help boost recycling remains a possibility.

December 2013:

EU Launches Public Consultation On Certification Of Recycling Treatment Facilities
The proposed scheme would help reduce exports of illegal waste.

New English Waste Prevention Plan Asks Manufacturers To "Design Waste Out Of Products"
Among eight priority areas are plastic and paper waste, e-waste and healthcare and chemical waste.

Reducing Harmful Substances In Products Part Of New Welsh Waste Prevention Program
Extending product durability and increasing reuse are other major elements in program.

New Recycling Mark Proposed By French Government Comes Under Fire From Industry
The mark would be applied to most products and packaging having EPR programs.

Buenos Aires Expands Waste Separation And Recycling Requirements To Adjoining Cities
Separation to begin in February for high volume generators.

Taiwan EPA Announces New Recycling Fees On IT Equipment
Producers will begin to pay the new fees beginning on March 1, 2014.

France Launches Public Consultation On Revised E-Waste Law
Proposed revisions are a strict transposition of recast EU WEEE Directive.

Ireland May Overhaul Its End-Of-Life Vehicle EPR Regulations
Government report recommends giving more responsibility to vehicle producers.

Danish EPA Warns Online Beverage Seller About Container Deposit Scheme Noncompliance
Action sends a message to other internet beverage sellers about complying with the law

Parana Approves State Law Requiring Recycling Labels On Packaging
The new labels must include a bar code that can be scanned for take back information.

Bill Introduced In Brazil Would Eliminate Some Taxes On Products Made With Recycled Content
Products containing recycled plastic, rubber or paper/cardboard would be eligible.

European Commission Publishes Its First Resource Efficiency Scoreboard
The scoreboard presents Member State data on waste generation, recycling and other resource consumption related indicators.

German Environment Agency Releases 2014 Environmental Research Plan
Proposals solicited for 21 resource efficiency, recycling and waste management research projects identified in the plan.

ECHA Publishes Implementation Plan for Identifying Future Substances of Very High Concern
Plan outlines criteria for identifying new SVHCs and how their risk management options will be analyzed.

Draft Irish National Hazardous Waste Management Plan Released
Possible new EPR programs and substitution or reduction in use of hazardous materials and products in public procurement are among the plan's recommendations.

United Kingdom Launches Call For Evidence On Proposed Single-Use Plastic Bag Charge
Information sought on types of carrier bags distributed and their costs, possible use of biogradable/compostable bags, possible exemptions to proposed law and other subjects.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Require Government To Use More Recycled Paper
Purchases of recycled paper should be made if the cost is not more than 10% higher than non-recycled paper.

Finland Delays Implementation Of New Packaging EPR Regulations
Bill approved in Parliament pushes effective date back by a year.

European Parliament Committee Amends Draft Plastic Waste Resolution
Additions include restricting hazardous substances in plastics and reducing the negative environmental impacts of plastics through improved design measures.

Second Bill To Ban Waste Incineration Introduced In Brazilian Camara
Latest bill would force municipalities to implement required recycling programs.

November 2013:

UK Department of Environment Seeks Improvements In Biodegradable Plastic Bag Manufacturing, Collection And Processing
Consultant sought to analyze technologies and market situation and make recommendations.

Lithuanian Environmental Ministry Signs Agreement To Boost Small WEEE Collection
The agreement calls for a establishing a network of 1,000 small WEEE collection containers.

Spanish Environmental Ministry To Release State Waste Prevention Plan
Packaging, electronics, batteries and vehicles are priority waste product categories.

French Senate Report Seeks To Improve EPR Programs Contribution To Improved Eco-Design
The report includes 22 recommendations to improve product ecodesign and reduce waste generation.

Danish Government Launches Green Public Procurement Web Site
Recommended environmental criteria and standards for 70 types of products are featured.

Brazil Camara Bill Would Restrict Cadmium In Children’s Jewelry and Accessories
Proposed restriction would be comparable to those in the United States and the European Union.

European Council Approves New EU Environmental Action Programme
The Programme calls for products to be more durable and provide lifecycle indicators and reducing the environmental impacts of packaging, among other requirements.

Mexico Launches Public Consultation On Sustainable Consumption And Production
The government is gathering stakeholder input to prepare the special program draft.

France Transposes Recast EU RoHS Directive Into Law
Decree restricts specified hazardous substances in EEE and sets requirements for the CE mark.

Brazilian Camara Bill Seeks To Regulate Potential Nanotechnology Risks
Nanotechnology would be subject to the requirements of the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Vietnamese Government Leaders Discuss Need For National E-Waste Recycling System
Current management regulations and infrastructure deemed insufficient.

London Launches Voluntary Program To Reduce Commercial Food Waste
Savings of £ 360,000 per year in food waste disposal costs expected.

European Commission Proposes Reducing Single-Use Plastic Bag Consumption
Each EU Member State would determine their individual method for ensuring reduction.

INTERPOL Launches New Effort To Combat Illegal International Waste Shipments
Electronics, batteries and tires among waste products targeted.

Danish Parliament Considers Adjusting Vehicle Scrappage Tax And Allowance
Environmental Ministers says adjustments needed to ensure solvency of the ELV recycling scheme.

Portugal Proposes Strategic Plan For Managing Municipal Wast
The strategic plan incorporates requirements and targets from several EU Directives.

Queensland Releases Illegal Dumping And Littering Action Plan
The government claims more than 20,000 tons of material is illegally dumped each year.

Puerto Rico Camara Bill Would Ban Unauthorized Disposal In Private Waste Containers
Violators could be fined $100 per incident.

Netherlands Reinstates Landfill Tax
Waste industry association says the tax will not increase recycling.

Lithuania Plans Container Deposit Scheme Expansion
Plastic and metal containers to be added.

Welsh Government Considers Landfill And Incineration Bans On Key Materials
A possible tax on waste commercial and industrial waste producers is also being evaluated.

UK Issues Guidance On Revised WEEE Regulations
Also, Environment Agency confirms new registration option for small volume producers.

Bill Introduced In Brazilian Camara Would Provide Tax Breaks For Recycling Training
The proposed incentive supports the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Philippine Senate Resolution Calls For Investigation Of Toxic Metals In Toys
Results of testing by local environmental group prompts senator to take action.

Norway Requests Information From Outdoor Clothing Industry About PFOA Use
Ban scheduled to take effect on June 1 may be delayed.

October 2013:

Brazilian Environmental Ministry Issues Edict For Waste Pharmaceuticals EPR Plan
The plan will be phased in across the country from 2014 through 2018.

New South Wales Releases Draft Waste Strategy
Strategy calls for improvements in curbside recycling, better eco-design of products, increased composting and separation of "problem wastes," among other initiatives.

Colombia Camara To Review Bill To Regulate Plastic Carryout Bags
The bill calls for a transition to using only biodegradable plastics.

Philippine Senate Resolution Calls For Investigation On Chemical Additives Used In Biodegradable Plastic Bags And Packaging
However, the resolution does not identify any chemicals of concern.

France Publishes Action Plan To Reduce Indoor Air Pollutants
New product labeling requirements and a public education campaign are two elements in the plan.

Finland Identifies Measures To Help Reduce Construction Waste, Increase Recycling
Recommendations outlined in industry-government working group report.

Danish Compliance Scheme Reports WEEE and Waste Batteries Collections Fell In 2012
However, Denmark remains well ahead of EU targets.

Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Tax Incentive For Products That Use Recycled Materials
Paper, cardboard and other cellulosic fibers now covered under amended bill.

Danish Government And Electronics Makers And Compliance Schemes Sign WEEE Projects Agreement
Improved EEE eco-design and WEEE collection, sorting and recycling expected.

Bill Introduced In Puerto Rican House Would Replace E-Steward Certification With Local Alternative
The bill states that the cost of e-Stewardship certification is "too expensive."

Report Says UK Met 2012 EU Glass Recycling Target
However, increasing commingled glass collection is rising, making a 2013 remelt target more challenging.

European Parliament Committee To Consider Criteria For Recovered Paper
Proposed end-of-waste regulation includes self-monitoring requirements and a Statement of Conformity for producers and importers.

Biodiesel Requirement Proposed by Brazilian Deputado
Minimum content levels for transesterified vegetable oil could make Brazil a leading green energy producer.

Italian Environmental Ministry Approves National Waste Prevention Program
Increased green public procurement, new EPR schemes and tax incentives for efficiently made products among the initiatives outlined.

Denmark Unveils National Resource Recovery Strategy
Recycling of materials will be prioritized over energy recovery.

Brazilian Deputado Calls For A National Ban On Waste Incineration
His bill proposes amending the National Policy on Solid Waste.

European Commission Consults On Green Action Plan For SMEs
A broad range of ideas to increase SME production efficiency floated.

European Parliament Approves Bans On Cadmium And Mercury In Batteries
Bans will amend Directive 2006/66/EC.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation On Reducing Marine Litter
Dozens of ideas are being floated, from banning plastic bottles and single-use bags to encouraging fisherman to collect debris.

Bill Introduced In Argentinean Senate Would Require EPR For E-Waste
Restrictions on hazardous substances are included in the bill.

Recent Argentinean Resolution Requires Conformity To Local Recycling Regulations
The measure is designed to increase recycling and enhance the quality of recovered materials.

New Scottish Government Action Plan Expected To Waste Generation By 15 Percent By 2025
Improved EPR, more sustainable product design, and reduced environmental impacts of packaging are part of the plan.

Brazilian Camara Bill Would Mandate Use Of LED Lighting In Government Buildings
Consumers would receive financial incentives to switch to the energy-efficient products.

September 2013:

Hong Kong Opens Public Consultation On Waste Charging Scheme
Residential, commercial, industrial waste sectors would all be paying new waste fees.

EU Parliament Committee Considers Plastic Waste Regulations
The proposal includes a 75 percent plastic recycling target for 2020.

ACR+ Calls For More Ambitious European MSW Recycling Targets
The local government organization also wants specific targets for paper, plastic, wood, metal and a biowaste recovery target.

Ecuador Environmental Ministry Begins Enforcing New Battery EPR Regulations
Regulations apply to most common batteries used in electronics.

Taiwan Drafts Resource Reuse and Recycling Act
The new Act integrates and updates existing laws.

OCED Council Says New Nanomaterials Safety Regulations Not Necessary
Council claims existing regulatory structures are sufficient to protect people and environment.

French Government Sets Support Fees For Waste Paper Processing
Recycling favored financially over waste-to-energy.

Northern Ireland Launches Public Consultation On Draft Waste Prevention Program
The program will continue and expand existing prevention efforts and add some new ones.

English Single Use Carrier Bag Charge Announced
Government minister says a five pence per bag charge will begin in 2015.

Brazilian Camara Proposal Would Create Corporate Registry Designation For Recycling Companies
Legislator suggests the designation may promote the recycling services industry.

Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Bill To Establish EPR For Veterinary Products Packaging
Revised bill would amend the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Brussels Agency Issues Call For Proposals To Reduce Packaging Waste
Selected businesses could receive up to 15,000 euros in funding.

Norway Announces Ban On PFOA
Manufacturers will have two years to phase out the chemical's use.

Latvia Approves Higher Environmental Taxes On Packaging, EEE and Some Automotive Products
Increases are part of Council of Ministers update of Law on Natural Resources.

Colombian Minister Of Environment Proposes National Plastic Bag Recycling Regulations
Most provisions of the resolution would begin to take effect on July 1, 2014.

Northern Ireland Government Decides Against Planned Single-Use Bag Tax Increase
Current rate of reduction in bag consumption cited as the reason for the decision.

IT Energy Efficiency Requirements Proposed In Brazilian Camara Legislation
The new bill would also reduce hazardous substances in IT products and used during their manufacture.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Require Energy-Efficient Lighting Products
The bill would also require extended producer responsibility for lighting products.

Victoria EPA Issues Draft Guidelines For Energy From Waste Projects
Guidelines state that residual waste, not recyclable materials, is best suited for EfW applications.

United Kingdom Will Repeal Site Waste Management Plan Regulations
The decision follows a public consultation conducted earlier this summer by the Defra.

EU Opens Public Consultation On Latest Proposed RoHS Directive Exemptions
Several new exemptions proposed.

Brazilian Senate Committee Hears Bill On Mandatory Sustainability Reporting
Annual reports would be required for all publicly traded Brazilian corporations.

Brazilian Camara Will Consider Bill Requiring Producer Responsibility For Pharmaceutical Packaging Waste
Veterinary medicine and packaging would also be covered by the proposed law.

Single-Use Bag Tax In Northern Ireland Already Reducing Bag Distribution Substantially
Environmental Minister highlights initial provisional data provided by retailers

August 2013:

Australian Federal Executive Council Officially Recognizes Northern Territory's Container Deposit Scheme
Scheme given new life with exemption granted under Commonwealth's Mutual Recognition Act.

Norwegian Environmental Agency Unveils New National Waste Strategy
Waste prevention is a primary objective; some new EPR schemes likely.

Chinese Environmental Ministry Developing Environmental Standards For Wood Products
Standards seek to minimize levels of toxic chemicals.

Appliance Recycling Level Fell Last Year In Japan
Ministry of Environment releases 2012 data.

Portugal Updates Packaging Waste Law
Examples of packaging and non-packaging added as required by revised EU Directive.

European Food Safety Authority Finds BPA Exposure From Packaging Lower Than Previously Thought
A public consultation has been launched on an expert panel's data assessment.

Norwegian Waste Generation Declines But Recycling Rate Appears Stagnant
Norwegian Environment Agency Director will propose a new strategy to increase recycling.

UK Holds Public Consultation On Updated English Waste Management Plan
Update required for compliance with the EU Waste Framework Directive.

Germany Consults On Technical Revision To Its Packaging Ordinance
Examples of packaging and non-packaging to be added to law.

China Updates Its Green Computer Government Procurement List
All listed products have a government certification number.

Philippine Senate Bill Would Require Stores To Recycle Plastic Bags
Reusable plastic bags collected by stores could be reissued to customers.

July 2013:

Colombian Government Approves National Guidelines For Managing WEEE
The guidelines include reducing the use of hazardous materials and adopting sustainable manufacturing processes.

Reducing Food Waste Part Of New European Commission Public Consultation On Food Sustainability
Consultation findings could eventually affect food producers and packagers.

Government-Sponsored Review Of Irish EPR Schemes Calls For Changes
Inconsistencies among the schemes and contractual weaknesses identified.

Plastic Bottle Ban Proposed In Puerto Rican Camara De Representantes
The ban would follow a one-year public education campaign about the law.

Philippines House Takes Up Restricting Single Use Plastic Carryout Bags
Three plastic bag bills were introduced just this month.

Chilean Government Moves Toward Mandatory Producer Responsibility Law
The Council of Ministers approves introducing an EPR bill in Congress.

June 2013:

KLIF Sets 2013-2014 Packaging Recycling Targets For Norway
Agency also publishes 2012 annual reports received from Norwegian packaging recycling schemes.

Environmental Secretary Submits Outline Of Transition To A Circular Economy To Dutch House Of Representatives
Increased eco-design of products, greater separation of waste and new green financial and other market incentives among the foundational elements recommended.

Waste Management Facility Plan Approved by Japanese Cabinet
The plan includes a 26 percent recycling target for municipal solid waste.

Bill Introduced In Hong Kong Seeks To Reduce Construction Waste Fly-Tipping
The Government also wants to expand capacity at all three of Hong Kong's existing landfills.

European Council And Parliament Agree To End Exemptions To Cadmium and Mercury Batteries Ban
Exemptions will sunset at the end of 2016.

Portugal Transposes EU RoHS Recast Into National Law
Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente remains the enforcement authority.

Another Phthalate Appears Headed For ECHA's Candidate List
Germany plans to submit the dossier in August.

European Commission Launches Public Consultation On Revising Waste Targets
Targets include those established by the Landfill, Waste Framework and Packaging and Packaging Waste Directives.

Danish Parliament Begins Discussion Of Bill To Repeal Weight-Based Packaging Tax
If enacted, the tax would end in 2015.

Collection Of Waste And Unused Pharmaceutical Subject Of Brazilian Camara Bill
Drug manufacturers would be responsible for the environmentally safe disposal of collected pharmaceuticals.

Government Waste Batteries Collection Bill Introduced In Brazilian Camara
Agencies at all levels of government would install and manage waste battery collection containers.

EU Environmental Ministers To Discuss Possible Ban On Micro-Plastics Use Next Week
Proposed ban would support the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Nordic Council Of Ministers Publishes Guidance On Setting Waste Prevention Targets
The guidance addresses e-waste, food waste, textile waste and construction and demolition waste.

Danish Environment Ministry Delays Planned Ban Of Four Phthalates
Under pressure from Parliament, the Environmental Minister now says she will work with industry on a more gradual phase out.

Puerto Rican Camara De Representantes Takes Up Zero Waste Bill
The bill advocates implementing new product stewardship programs.

Brazilian Environmental Ministry Releases Sustainable Logistics Management Plan For Government Agencies
The Management Plan provides guidelines for federal agencies to purchase sustainable products and equipment.

Brazilian Senate Bill Lays Framework To Stimulate Transition To A Greener Economy
Federal government would be authorized to prepare regulations supporting more sustainable production.

Hong Kong Announces Waste Management Strategy
New producer responsibility programs will be considered as part of the strategy.

Latvian Ministry Publishes Bill To Establish A National Container Deposit Scheme
Many details of scheme are to be determined later by the Council of Ministers.

May 2013:

Bill Introduced In Puerto Rican House of Representatives Would Tax Plastic Bags
An initial $1 per bag tax would increase to $2 per bag a year later.

Brazilian Camara Bill Proposes Tax Breaks On Recycling Equipment Purchases
Purchasers would need to own the equipment for a two-year minimum and meet other requirements to receive the tax break.

Israeli Environmental Ministry Publishes Draft Green Marketing Claims Guidance
Public consultation on guidance opened.

Indian Government Prepares To Finalize Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
Action Plan gives waste-to-energy applications preference over recycling.

Two Litter Control Bills Introduced In The UK Parliament
The measures separately target littering around buildings and from vehicles.

Some Danish Parliament Members Concerned About Phthalates Ban's Effect On Sales Of Electronic Devices
The Minister of Environment is called to testify about a recent Executive Order before a Parliamentary committee.

European Commission Announces 2013 Grants Available For Eco-Innovation Projects
EUR 31.5 million available with priority given to proposals from small and medium size enterprises.

Government of Western Australia Planning Mattress Recycling Scheme
Government opens calls for "expressions of interest" to implement a 24-month pilot program.

Key Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Sustainability Seal For Amazon-Made Products
To receive the seal, products and their packaging will need to be reusable or recyclable, and meet other criteria.

Sao Paolo Government Signs Voluntary Automotive Oil Filter Stewardship Agreement
Plan sets a 2014 target to collect 830,000 pounds of waste filters.

Bill To Expand Hong Kong Plastic Bag Tax Published
Bill's introduced follows announcement of forthcoming legislation last week.

Mexico Updates National Waste Management Law Adding WEEE Provisions
The new provisions will require manufacturers to take back their end-of-life products.

Northern Ireland Proposes 60 Percent Household Waste Recycling Target
A bill to set the statutory target is being planned for next year.

Initial Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Bill
The bill would require product stewardship for the batteries.

German Agency Study Finds Some Batteries Contain Excessive Levels Of Heavy Metals
Nearly half of the zinc-carbon batteries tested exceeded the legal limit for cadmium.

German Federal Institute For Risk Assessment Releases Report On DEHP Levels In Food
The report suggests consumption of food with higher DEHP levels combined with other exposure routes could pose a cumulative health risk.

Chinese Ministry Of Health Updates List Of Chemicals Allowed In Food Packaging
Substances not on the pre-approved list will require special evaluation for food contact use.

Provisional Global Ban On Flame Retardant HBCD Approved At Stockholm Convention Meeting
Labeling requirements to be placed on insulation foam containing the chemical.

Swedish EPA Releases Draft National Waste Prevention Plan
The focus is on reducing food, textile, electronics, and construction and demolition waste.

Bill Proposed In Argentine Camara Would Require Warning Labels On All Mercury-Containing Lamp Packaging
The sponsor is concerned about health risks from broken and end-of-life lamps.

Resolution Introduced In German Parliament Calls For Mandatory Nano Products Registry
The resolution calls for a national registry that would parallel any registry adopted by the EU.

Hong Kong Government To Expand Single-Use Plastic Bag Tax
All retailers will soon be required to collect the tax.

German Environmental Ministry Promotes Refillable Beverage Containers
Consumers advised to check drink bottles on store shelves for the Blue Angel ecolabel.

New Waste Tax To Control Litter Proposed By Norwegian Government Agency
The tax would be applied to municipal property owners, not producers or packagers.

April 2013:

French Senate Debates Bill To Make Consumer Products More Durable
Sponsor of the bill argues that longer lasting products will reduce resource consumption and waste generation.

Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Approves Mandatory National Container Deposit Scheme
Government expects 60 percent of covered containers to be collected in first year.

Sustainability Seal For Food Establishments Proposed In Brazil
The seal would identify establishments that minimize food waste.

South Korean Government Concerned About Radiation Exposure From Mobile Phones
Ministry to release consumer guidelines on minimizing exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Seven Baltic Region Countries Launch Joint Green Public Procurement Training Program
Program is hoped to boost green procurement of construction, information technology, transportation and food products.

UNEP Report Says Asian Pacific Region Resource Consumption Rate Is Unsustainable
Data indicates the countries are becoming "increasingly dependent on imported materials to sustain their economies."

Changes Proposed To Australian National TV And Computer Recycling Scheme
A government consultation is open through May 7.

Resolution In German Parliament Calls For Product Durability Law
Sponsors say the measure would increase German resource efficiency.

Brazilian Bill Would Require Manufacturers Provide Consumers With Durability Information On Their Products
The measure was presented in part as a means to conserve resources and reduce waste.

Iceland Updates Government Green Procurement Policy
Policy contains an action plan with deadlines for the government and its suppliers to follow.

Israeli MEP Publishes Information For Potential E-Waste And Battery Compliance Scheme Applicants
Publication follows passage of law last year mandating EEE and batteries EPR.

Bill Introduced In Scotland Would Institute New Landfill Tax
Existing UK Landfill Tax will end in Scotland in 2015.

Chinese Ministry of Commerce Issues Guidelines for EEE Reuse
While designed to protect consumers, guidelines will also divert used EEE from waste stream.

European Commission Proposes Implementing EU-Wide Green Products Performance Standards
The Commission is seeking volunteer producers and organizations to participate in a three-year developmental phase of the project.

Bill To Provide Tax Breaks On Recycling Equipment Introduced In Brazilian Camara
Equipment to recycle packaging, electronics, batteries, plastics, construction and demolition waste among more than a dozen types identified in the bill.

Scottish Government Considers Tightening Scrap Metal Licensing Law
Consultation launched on proposal to deter scrap metal theft.

Japanese Ministry of Health Issues New Standard For Recycled Paper In Food Contact Applications
The Ministry is concerned about possible migration of chemicals.

French Ministry of Ecology Calls For Ban On BPA In Thermal Paper Receipts
The announcement coincides with release of an ANSES report on the health effects of BPA.

Danish Government Agencies Release Draft Strategy To Regulate 26 Phthalates
A public consultation on the proposed strategy is open through April 29.

Brazilian Camara To Begin Discussion Of Mercury-Containing Lamps Stewardship Bill
The bill calls for manufacturer collecting and recycling of lamps and a consumer awareness program

Norwegian Agency Publishes Guidance Document On Construction Products With Hazardous Substances.
The agency says the guidance will help design and construction professionals conduct required safer substitution assessments.

Danish EPA Publishes Strategies To Reduce Use Of Hazardous Chemicals
Separate strategies for first ten of 40 targeted chemical released; consultation launched.

Japanese Ministry Of Environment Reports 2011 Packaging Recycling Results
Nearly 80 Percent of PET bottles were reported being collected.

French Ministry of Ecology Extends Printed Paper Stewardship Agreement
Agreement sets a 60 percent recycling target for 2018.

March 2013:

European Commission Launches Public Consultation On Plastic Waste
A landfill ban on plastic is being considered.

UK Government Launches Consultation To Create National Waste Prevention Program
Food, electronics, construction materials and paper/cardboard are among the priorities.

Bill Introduced In Brazil Would Establish Extended Producer Responsibility For Automobiles
The program would cover passenger vehicles and heavy and light trucks.

Irish Environmental Registry Approves New Food Waste Separation Regulations
National curbside collection and composting scheme will begin rolling out this summer.

National Litter Prevention Law Proposed In Brazil
Municipalities would be required to set fines for littering.

China Ministry of Environmental Protection Releases List Of Priority Hazardous Chemicals
Phthalates, bisphenol A, formaldehyde and 4-nonylphenol among targeted substances.

Bill Introduced In Germany Seeks More Rigorous Protection Against Hazardous Substances In Consumer Products
Support for more durable, less wasteful products included in measure.

Australian Federal Court Rules That Northern Territory's Container Deposit Scheme Is Illegal
NT Government said it will approach the Council of Australian Governments to re-establish the scheme legally.

National Ban On Polystyrene Foam Proposed In Philippines
Manufacturers would be encouraged to develop recyclable and/or biodegradable alternatives.

China Announces Plan To Reduce Mercury Levels In Fluorescent Lamps
Progressive mercury reduction targets set for 2013 through 2016.

UK Publishes Specification For WEEE Reuse
Specification works in conjunction with new certification program and registration mark.

Swedish Energy Agency Highlights Energy Efficiency Gains In Video Game Consoles
Latest test results show devices are getting greener without mandated targets.

February 2013 articles:

Swedish Chemicals Agency Proposes Tax On Products Containing Hazardous Substances
The proposal also looks beyond Sweden to the entire European Union.

Hong Kong Releases Draft Plan For Glass Bottle Producer Responsibility Scheme
Landfill ban on covered glass containers being considered.

Brazilian Environmental Ministry Gazettes Notice For Electronics Stewardship Proposals
The approved reverse logistics scheme must collect at least 17 percent of covered devices within the first five years.

Norwegian Government Agency Publishes Report On Hazardous Substances In Plastics
Migration of hazardous substances in recycled plastics a concern.

UK Scrap Metal Dealers Bill Approved By House Of Lords
Measure will become law upon Royal Ascent, which is expected soon.

South Australia Government Launches Voluntary Soft Plastic Recycling Program
Consumers asked to turn in waste plastic bags from bread, frozen foods, dry foods, newspapers and other products.

German Federal Cabinet Approves New Drink Packaging Regulation
Draft regulation seeks to encourage use of refillable glass bottles.

Overall Packaging Recycling Rate Dipped In UK In 2012
Lackluster data fuels concern about government's ambitious plastics recycling targets.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Outlines Future Direction Of Toxic Chemicals Reduction
New government report describes toxic chemicals in products called "a growing problem."

German Government Agency Recommends Restricting Anthraquinone In Food Contact Applications
Agency calls on other EU Member States to consider implementing restrictions.

French Senate Approves Extension Of E-Waste Law Requirement
The approved bill was introduced yesterday in the National Assembly.

South Africa Releases Draft National Strategy For Composting Organic Waste
Strategy would not only divert waste from landfills but establish a new industry and create jobs.

New MRF Regulations Proposed In The United Kingdom
Government wants tests of the quality of recycled output to help boost recycled materials use.

Pakistan Bans Non-degradable Plastic Bags
Beginning in April, only oxo-biodegradable bags will be permitted.

Bogota Resolution Establishes List Of Recyclables Required For Source Separation
The resolution follows publication of a municipal degree requiring curbside source separation.

Welsh Government Releases Draft Regulations To Reduce C&D Waste
Site waste management plans would be required prior to the start of most construction projects.

Republic of China FDA Proposes Ban on BPA In Baby Bottles
A ban on manufacturing and importation would begin on September 1.

January 2013 articles:

Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment Signs Cell Phone Recycling Agreement With Industry
Landfill disposal and incineration of unwanted phones will be prohibited.

Colombian Ministry of Health Issues Regulations On Recycled Plastics In Food And Drink Packaging
The regulations address possible migration of plastic contaminants and include some substance prohibitions.

European Parliament Committee Updates Recommendations On Endocrine Disruptors Legislation
One amendment sets June 1, 2015 as the deadline for introducing legislation.

Swedish EPA Concerned About Increase In Country's Waste Generation
National waste prevention measures to be unveiled in December.

Northern Ireland Approves Tax On Single Use Plastic Bags
The tax will take effect on April 8 of this year.

Brazilian Ministry of Environment Holds First Working Group Meeting On Reducing Plastic Bag Consumption
Separately, a bill being discussed in the Senate would ban the distribution of disposable plastic bags.

ECHA Proposes Possible Total Ban On Cadmium In Plastics
A public consultation on the proposal is open through February 13.

French National Assembly Discusses Possible Health Risks From Wireless Networks
Bill under consideration includes provisions for warning labels on packaging of wireless devices and a ban on WiFi networks in childcare centers.

Swiss Parliament Agrees To Ban On Single Use Plastic Bags
Federal Council now must decide how to implement the Parliament's decision.

Korea Food And Drug Administration Issues Revised Standards and Specifications for Food Utensils, Containers and Packages
The revisions move to harmonize Korean standards with international standards.

Brazilian House Committee Approves End-Of-Life Vehicles Stewardship Bill
ELVs bill attached to a second bill that addresses automotive glass recycling.

French Government Launches Web Site For Nanomaterials Reporting
Producers and importers must now declare nanomaterials under French law.

Japan Consults On Small WEEE Recycling Act
New e-waste recycling marks also introduced.

Brazilian Lubricating Oil Packagers Sign Stewardship Agreement With Government
A national collection scheme for waste packaging will roll out in three stages.

South Australia Announces E-Waste Recycling Infrastructure Grants
The funding will help prepare for an expected increase in waste CRT TVs.

Danish EPA Tests For Heavy Metals In Packaging
Three of 167 samples analyzed were found to exceed the permissible level.

Colombian Environmental Ministry Releases EPR Programs Collection Data
24,000 tons of end-of-life products have been collected for recycling during four-year period.

December 2012 articles:

Tasmanian Government Launches Consultation On Proposed Single Use Plastic Bags Ban
Text of bill has yet to be drafted, but passage of law appears likely.

New Zealand Government Considers Separating Plastics With BDEs From Rest Of E-Waste Stream
BDEs were found in many of 200 e-waste samples analyzed in a pilot study.

United Kingdom Drafts Regulation To Amend Packaging Waste Law
Packaging materials targets, including a split target for glass, set through 2013 through 2017.

French Environmental Minister Calls For Extension Of EEE Stewardship Fees
A group of ministers will push for a new bill in the French Parliament.

Illegal Waste Dumping Incidents In UK Fell In Last Reporting Year
Two-thirds of reported incidents involved small quantities of household waste.

Peru Exports Five Tons Of Mobile Phone Waste To US And Mexico
Shipment highlights the emergence of e-stewardship under recently enacted national law.

French Senate Approves Ban On BPA In All Food Contact Materials
Same amendment also bans some uses of medical tubing containing DEHP and calls for study on banning other phthalates in medical products.

Hong Kong Proposes Restricting Six Phthalates In Child Care Products And Toys
Proposal would bring Hong Kong standards in alignment with those in the US, EU and other places.

Bogota Enacts New Municipal Waste Law
Residents in the Colombian capital will be required to separate their recyclables.

Australian Government Appoints Product Stewardship Advisory Group
The group will provide advice on candidate products for new stewardship programs.

Environmental Education Bill Introduced In Brazilian Camara
Educational campaigns would be tied to funding of mandated solid waste management plans.

Swedish Government Finds Producers Are Concerned About Toxics In Recycled Content
Agency makes policy recommendations for increasing recycled content use.

Mexican Imports Of US Waste Lead-Acid Batteries More Than Quadrupled, Says Draft CEC Report
Mexican environmental safety regulations for secondary smelters deemed inadequate.

Danish EPA Unveils Recommendations For Improving Eco-Design Of Electronics
The nine recommendations could help increase the recycling rate for WEEE, claims the agency.

Brazilian Senate Committee Close To Approval Of Green Seal for Amazon-Based Products
The proposed "Preservation of the Amazon" seal could help conserve the region's natural resources.

Latest EU Environment Action Program Will Maintain Waste Management And Hazardous Chemicals Protection As Key Issues
However, both issues are presented as ones that support the EU economy.

Bill Introduced In The Philippines Would Restrict Toxic Chemicals In Children's Products
A half dozen toxic metals, a number of phthalates and bisphenol-A (BPA), among other chemicals, are targeted in the bill.

Japan Extends Deadline for Processing PCB Waste
Original deadline deemed too difficult to meet.

Producers Will Soon Need To Register Their Nanomaterials In Norway
Government agency says information collection push will begin in the spring.

Novmber 2012 articles:

Brazilian Environmental Ministry Creates Plastic Bag Consumption Working Group
The working group will present options in six months on possible national regulations.

Norway Places Restrictions On TCEP and D4
Both chemicals were placed on Norway's "priority list."

EU Environment Commissioner Says Marine Litter Reduction Targets May Soon Be Proposed
Plastic packaging would be the likely focus of reduction efforts.

European Parliament Committee To Vote On Endocrine Disruptors Policy Next Month
Full Parliament scheduled to debate proposed new legislation in February.

Four Exemptions To EU RoHS2 Sought
European Commission launches public consultation.

Swiss Government Updates Regulations On Chemicals Used In Products
The changes will take effect on December 1; chemicals placed on phase out list.

Northern Ireland Releases Draft Revised Waste Management Strategy
Strategy includes dozens of actions the government will take and targets for recyclables ranging from end-of-life vehicles to materials collected at curbside.

Brazilian Senate Debates Tax Deductions For Recycling Financial Contributions
Deductions would be applied to corporate income taxes.

German Environmental Agency Concerned About Inadequate Critical Materials Recovery
The German per capita raw materials consumption level is unsustainable, says agency head.

Northern Territory Releases First Annual Report On Its Container Deposit Scheme
The highest return rate was for aluminum cans: 30.8 percent.

UBA Releases Latest Report On German Packaging Waste Recovery
Waste generation increased by 5.9 percent to roughly 16 million tons, recycling rate down marginally.

Victorian Ministry of Environment Launches Consultation On Draft Waste And Resource Recovery Policy
Products and commodities produced from recovered waste are the foundation for the proposed policy.

Scotland Establishes Voluntary Standard For Reused Products
The standard is expected to help keep products from entering waste streams prematurely.

Brazilian Government Considers Nanomaterials Regulations
First public hearing in Camara du Deputados scheduled for later this month.

Consumer Household Hazardous Waste Guide Published By French Government
Guide recommends reducing the use of some hazard-presenting products.

Polish Municipalities Need To Accelerate Progress On Mandatory Waste Management Plans
Ministry for the Environment releases survey findings on implementation status.

October 2012 articles:

Scottish Government Consults On Planned National Landfill Tax
However, details of the tax remain to be finalized.

Brazilian Camara Committee Debates Reused Products Bill
Proposed legislation would divert waste from landfills through a tax exemption on reconditioned products.

Hong Kong Cuts Landfill Disposal Of Plastic Waste By 13 Percent
Recently released 2011 government data shows 2.6 percent reduction in overall solid waste disposal.

Norwegian Government Agency Releases Report On Landfill Leachate Pollutants
Agency claims that landfills are the largest source of bisphenol A (BPA) in the environment.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Finds Hazardous Materials In Plastic Shoes
Findings will trigger disclosure requirements under Article 33 of REACH.

Bill Introduced In France Calls For A National Container Deposit Scheme
The measure was proposed to reduce litter.

Sweden Publishes Draft Of Revised RoHS Regulations
Revisions transpose EU's RoHS2 into Swedish law.

Scottish Government Releases Recyclates Quality Action Plan
Improving the quality of output from MRFs considered vital to meeting the country's zero waste goals.

Northern Ireland Fights New Environmental Crime: Laundered Fuel Waste Dumping
Government asks public to report suspicious activity to Crimestoppers.

Nordic Countries Agree To Coordinate Efforts On New Energy-Efficient Products
Multinational coordination expected to facilitate EU required testing while saving costs.

German Environmental Agency Says Bioplastics Not Environmentally Advantageous
Agency recommends that special take back provisions for bioplastic packaging should expire at the end of this year.

Hungarian Parliament Approves National Waste Law
New law will enter force on January 1, 2013.

Latvia Publishes Draft National Waste Management Plan
Public consultation on plan launched by Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development.

Danish E-Waste Collections Totaled 84,322 Tons In 2011
New government data shows Denmark easily surpassed the current EU target.

Voluntary UK Grocery Packaging Reduction Agreement Shows Positive Results
Supply chain waste reduction has exceeded target, says Waste Resources Action Programme.

French Senate Committee Approves Bill Banning BPA In All Food Contact Packaging
The approval moves the bill to the full Senate for debate next week.

National TV Recycling Program Launched In New Zealand
The program relies on government subsidizes rather than product stewardship fees for funding.

Norway Releases Draft RoHS2 Regulations
Public consultation will remain open until November 23.

Finland Announces Five-Year National Lubricating Oil Recycling Plan
The government awarded a sole contract to an environmental services firm.

Packaging Product Stewardship Bill Progressing In Brazilian Camara
Cosmetics manufacturers and importers to be responsible for collecting their plastic and glass packaging waste.

Slovenian Ministry Releases Draft Revised Biodegradable Waste Law
The proposed law sets new requirements for biodegradable waste processing facilities and mixed waste treatment centers.

Bill Introduced In Brazil Would Mandate Recycling Instructions On Packaging
Author claims provision will increase the effectiveness of the National Policy on Solid Waste.

Bulgarian Ministry Releases Draft Ordinance On Packaging And Packaging Waste
Regulations set requirements for extended producer responsibility, collection and sorting responsibilities of municipalities and recycling targets for materials.

French Ministry Of Ecology Negotiates New National Paper EPR Agreement
The agreement includex a 60 percent recycling rate target.

2011 Swedish Biogas Energy Production Rose To Nearly 1,500 GWH
New Swedish Energy Agency report says landfills generated 18 percent of that nation's biogas supply..

Plastic Bag Tax Takes Effect Today In Bulgaria
Last minute changes to new law were negotiated with the plastics industry association.

Korean MoE To Restrict Phthalates And Other Chemicals In Children's Products
Restrictions to go into effect in September 2013.

September 2012 articles:

Danish Government To Create Database Of Products Containing Nanomaterials
Manufacturers and importers will need to register their products with the Ministry of Environment.

EU Environment Commissioner Calls For Less Plastics Energy Recovery, More Recycling
A green paper on plastic waste in the environment will be released soon.

Government Report Says Norway Could Increase Plastics Recycling By 87 Percent By 2020
Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency says more producer responsibility programs are key to the increase.

London Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling For English Plastic Bag Tax
The sponsor of the motion claims voluntary reduction efforts by businesses have failed.

Swedish Government Begins Investigating Whether Plastic Pipe Leaches BPA Into Drinking Water
Final report expected to be released next year.

UK Scrap Metal Bill Passes Second Reading In House of Commons Committee
The bill to update scrap dealer requirements will be debated by Full House in November.

National Container Deposit Scheme Bill Voted Down In Australian Senate
The vote came only three weeks after state environmental ministers agree to research implementing a deposit scheme

Bill Introduced In UK Parliament Would Require Use Of Plastic Bottles In Pubs
Use of glass bottles in violent incidents cited as reason for the measure.

Brazilian Senate Committee Approves Bill To Cut Taxes On Products Made With Recycled Materials
However, the committee's approval is only the first step in the bill becoming law.

Minas Gerais Government Considers Reusable Shopping Bag Deposit Scheme
Proposal comes as state government, public consumer advocate's office and supermarkets seek alternative to failed plastic bag law.

Swedish Chemicals Agency Finds Excessive Lead Levels In Sampled Consumer Electronics
Products directed pulled from stores; manufacturers contacted about the violations.

Industry Proposes Expanded WEEE Collection Network To Dutch House Of Representatives
Other recommended government actions outlined in white paper handed to Dutch House Representative.

Brazil Gazettes New Battery Recycling Regulations
Battery producers, importers, transporters and recyclers must register with the government and submit annual reports.

Romanian Environment Minister Signs Cooperative Agreements For E-Waste Collection
Collections will cover waste electronics, lamps and batteries.

EU Parliament Committee To Approve Energy Star Renewal Agreement With US
However, EU and US programs will differ on the use of third-party certification for registering products.

ECHA Proposes Adding 54 Chemicals To Its Substances of Very High Concern List
Public consultation on proposed additions open through October 18.

Overall Norwegian Packaging Recovery Rate Improved To 95 Percent In 2011
While rates increased or held steady for most materials, the rate for polystyrene foam fell.

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